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Paper sign in the window season: Goodbye Octo, recover soon Fogon, welcome YoYo Station

An artist rendering of a new sign set to replace the paper sign that went up announcing Broadway’s Tea Republik is no more

When a business dies on Capitol Hill, it can often be a quiet affair — especially in summer, the season of printed paper “closed for remodel” messages. Thanks to CHS readers, we hear about a lot of these signs during the summer months. Not all of them are bad news. Below, as part of CHS’s ongoing duty to keep track of the comings and goings of Capitol Hill, here are some of the signs and business changes we’ve been asked about. Remember that behind every business are people and hopes and dreams so no need to speak ill of the dead and paper-signed.

  • 12th Ave’s Octo Sushi quietly closed its doors in the Velocity Dance building. The news became official last month when a sign was taped to the entrance of the sushi restaurant and bar which read that Octo is permanently closed. Days prior, a business called the Dao Tai House applied for a liquor license at the address but the owners of Dao Tai House have declined to comment on the new project at this time.
  • Broadway’s Seattle Central College student population will have its homework and group assignment hangout space back after a short closure of the street’s Panera Bread. The chain’s Capitol Hill location was dealing with some air conditioning issues, CHS is told. The chain was also coming up on the end of its lease for the space prompting CHS to do a little more digging with landlord Hunters Capital. The Capitol Hill developer and property manager says Panera will stay at the location.
  • Thanks to Scott for the picture

    Fogon is not dead. But you can tell from the many messages we’ve received about the E Pine Mexican joint that the restaurant is well-loved. A July kitchen fire did enough damage to warrant a closure that has stretched on for about a week. Fogon debuted on the street six years ago this month.

  • It appears that Broadway’s Tea Republik is a goner after three years and is set to be replaced by a new concept  — YoYo Station. The paper sign announcing the remodel went up a few weeks back and work continues at the retail space just a block from Capitol Hill Station.
  • Also RIP, E Pine’s H&R Block, reader Todd helpfully points out.

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6 years ago

Nooooooooo! Not the H&R Block!

Well, that’s it. Capitol Hill is Dead.®

6 years ago
Reply to  thebittergreen

Where else will people piss on the street near? I always took that piss as a comment on the government, though I know that’s not why. P.S. Capitol Hill is dead is my line!