After reporting many of the happiest stories of Capitol Hill food+drink in 2017, we start 2018 with a sad note. Sorry, fans, but Taco Time will not be returning to 14th and Madison.
Way back in 2009, we reported on the exit of Taco Time from Capitol Hill as the family that owns the Pacific Northwest fast food chain put its most valuable chunk of land up for development. After a series of failed passes at design review, the Tonkins sold the whole kit and caboodle $3.6 million in 2014. A six-story project was finally approved and construction was completed last year. We would have called the building the Taco Time Apartments but the marketing people went with the “Broadcast.”
With construction complete, we now know who will be the resident restaurant in the mixed-use building’s street level. Sorry. It won’t be Taco Time. Try to give Seattle Muni Tower-born Core Bistro and Pho Huy your love. The Vietnamese soup and sandwich cafe has your nostalgic disappointment to overcome.
Sigh. Sad face emoji. Tear face emoji.
I’m still holding out a forlorn hope that Jack in the Box will come back to Broadway.
Don’t hold your breath, Starbucks ok but not fast food!
May not be the popular sentiment, but I sure won’t miss ’em. Those McTacos are some pretty pitiful excuses for tacos when we have actual authentic taco options around. Will be happy to try Core Bistro, though.
For those of us of a certain age it’s comfort food. It’s the taste we remember when places like Taco Time were an exotic treat. Yes, it’s non authentic. Yes, there are better. But nothing else satisfies that craving.
it’s why Dick’s is still so damn popular when there are a half dozen burger joints so close by.
Oh, I totally get the nostalgia and junk food thing. I just don’t get it for Taco Time. Just me. I’m right there with you for La Cage aux Jacques, though. In fact, JITB tacos are wonderfully disgustingly great. (Not too authentic either, admittedly). I’m betting JITB won’t happen either, though. Maybe that’s not a bad thing. I haven’t seen one yet that doesn’t attract a sketchy crowd. The old one on Broadway sure did.
They put ketchup on their tacos? !
Don’t confuse Taco TIME with Taco BELL. Taco Time’s offerings aren’t horrible.
i don’t think anyone confuses the two. and the quality of one fast taco place over the other is purely subjective.
Yeah, what Z said. I don’t confuse the 2, but (just my taste) I don’t see either of them as being notably superior than the other. But hey, some people live for the burgers at Dick’s, and other are ‘WTF?’ about them. So…to each his/her own junk.
I prefer over Taco Bell smooched beef anytime – it’s not Taco Bell time. The chicken tacos at Taco Time are good.
The hill has become too expensive and uppity for anything cheap and good like TT. Sad!