A man was reported stabbed multiple times in the chest and another was in custody in an attack inside a Broadway apartment Thursday night.
Police and Seattle Fire responded to the Lyric building just before midnight Thursday. East Precinct radio reports described one victim with multiple stab wounds. Another person in the third-floor apartment was in custody but required medical attention for possible excited delirium, according to radio reports.
Police arrived in time to stop the violent attack and help keep the 29-year-old from bleeding to death:
Officers forced entry into the lock-out building and entered the apartment where the located the suspect on top of the victim. The suspect was in the act of stabbing the victim when officers entered the apartment. Officers disarmed the suspect and took him into custody. A 12″ knife was recovered. Officers immediately began life-saving efforts for the victim, applying tourniquets and bandages to the victim’s multiple stab wounds. Seattle Fire medics arrived and took over the medical care, transporting the victim to Harborview Medical Center.
Seattle Fire arrived in the 200 block of 10th Ave E to treat and transport the stabbing victim to the hospital. The suspect was also transported to Harborview for observation and treatment.
Police were first called to the area around 11:40 PM when the victim called 911 from the building and an “out of control” male could be heard yelling in the background. A 12-inch butcher knife was recovered at the scene.
Police described the call from the victim. “A call came into the 911 center, but all dispatchers heard was an open line with someone in the background crying and saying ‘stop,'” according to the SPD report on the incident. “Additional information from the dispatchers informed arriving officers that there were loud screams and that someone was possibly high on narcotics.”
The 30-year-old suspect was later booked into King County Jail for investigation of felony assault. UPDATE: In a bit of procedural trivia, the suspect is currently held in custody in jail but has not been booked because officials are unsure of his identity. Once that component of the investigation is complete utilizing a check of the suspect’s fingerprints and other information, the official booking can occur. Prosecutors could also charge him as a “John Doe.”
UPDATE 1/15/18: The suspect has been identified and is currently held for investigation of assault on $500,000 bail. We have no new updates on the victim’s condition.
UPDATE: The Lyric’s building management has sent a message to residents about the attack:
We want to let you know there was an incident at The Lyric last night. At this time police are investigating what appears to be a domestic violence situation. This incident was isolated to two individuals and police tell us there is no threat to anyone at The Lyric as they have a suspect in custody. We do know that one person was injured and is being treated at the hospital. We will continue to work closely with the Seattle Police Department during this investigation. As you may have noticed, a window was broken in the lobby during this incident and our maintenance team is on the scene working to secure and repair it now.
Awful. P.S. I think you mean “suspect” instead of “victim” in this sentence: “The victim was also transported to Harborview for observation and treatment”
Fixed. Thanks.
And to think. The Lyric building seems so nice.
yeah, only the poors stab each other normally, right?
@Elise. Check what you are talking about. It does happen. It happened in my building last year and CHS even reported on it.
This doesn’t “appear to be domestic assault.” I’ve lived on this stretch of Broadway for the better part of a decade and it sounds like one of the vagrants, that make a temporary home on this block specifically, tweaked out and attacked a resident of the apartment. Seattle is good for about 5 of these a year nowadays.
Its unlikely. The building is extremely secure and very hard to get into, let alone into an actual apartment. I live in the building and it sounds like a domestic assault to me. Still waiting on the final reports though. The building from the elevator to the hallway where the apt was looked like a crime scene. Very scary stuff.
How did a homeless person get into a third floor unit?
Because a young professional that can afford to live in a luxury Capitol Hill apartment with their partner is taking hard drugs, losing control and attempting to murder said partner. Yeah, that sounds likely.
based on the scanner this did appear to be an extremely high person who *walked through the plate glass window.* That said, this is obviously a drug issue, not a homelessness issue, and I personally am offended as hell by your screen name and I am amazed the moderators haven’t come at you. Slurs are slurs, and comparing people going through your packages to this situation is fearmongering.
Stop with the undeservedly smug fear mongering. I live on this floor at the Lyric. No one “walked through plate glass” (the police knocked out the glass to get in the building), they knew each other.
“Because a young professional that can afford to live in a luxury Capitol Hill apartment with their partner is taking hard drugs, losing control and attempting to murder said partner. Yeah, that sounds likely.”
I guess you were being sarcastic, but it sounds completely likely to me.
I live in a similar type of building a couple blocks North of this. We find homeless people in our building, on various floors, all the time. Other friends who live in the area no longer get packages sent to their apartment, because even once left inside the secured lobby, they are still rummaged through and stolen.
Just a couple weeks ago a woman was attacked by another homeless man with a machete when she was returning from a NYE shift.
A week before that a guy in N. Seattle woke up to a vagrant guy hitting him in the stomach with a pick axe.
And don’t forget the tech worker murdered by a homeless man at Dick’s in QA a few months ago. Or the guy who was LIT ON FIRE while sleeping on Leary Way by one of his camp buddies.
It’s a growing problem.
Whatever floats your false narrative…
You should post about it on NextDoor, post-haste!
Yes, please go to Next Door. You will it there quite well.
Thanks very much to our 911 and First Responders
How do they not know this guy’s ID if he lives here?