Mural Submission_Olivia _Olivia Knapp

Option B. “The mural is of someone pulling up another; a close up of oversized hands assisting someone who is falling off the ledge. Being of assistance to those around us has long been intertwined into the fabric of the Capitol Hill community. Witnessing a stranger in distress is a call to action. Apathy is no longer an option in these times. Seattleites understand that our city is stronger when we are actively supporting our neighbors and the passerby.” — Olivia Knapp

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7 years ago

I view it left-to-right. It looks like the top hand was holding the bottom hand, then dropped it :(

Olivia Knapp
7 years ago
Reply to  Alan

Keep in mind, this is a rough sketch. The finished rendering of the mural will be black and white cross-hatching.

7 years ago

Holding up the person with light skin, dropping the person with brown skin. Then the white hands went into the Link station.