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Capitol Hill Community Post | Formerly homeless women at Jubilee Women’s Center giving back with gifts to others experiencing homelessness

During the holiday season especially, individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty are typically highlighted as those needing support.We would like to shine a light on a group of formerly homeless women who are giving support…

Inspired by a letter from a resident in Jubilee Women’s Center’s program (see photos), executive director Cheryl Sesnon this year proposed a different approach to the usual practical gift from Jubilee’s board of directors to each of the 43 residents. With the help of Scott Smalling, a Jubilee donor and owner of Relief Bed, Cheryl purchased a relief kit (including sleeping pad, hat, gloves, personal hygiene items, first aid kit, rain poncho, and emergency blanket) for each resident at a significant discount. Jubilee board members and community partner Caffe Vita covered the cost.

This week the women at Jubilee are giving away their gifts. They will spend time personalizing each kit with items they know from firsthand experience will provide comfort for someone else experiencing homelessness this holiday season—things like a gift card, a personal note, and comfort items they wish they’d had when experiencing homelessness. In return, like Julie shares in her letter, the women of Jubilee receive the joy of knowing they have helped someone in need more than themselves at the holidays.

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7 years ago

if seattle takes down confederate statues why not take down space needle monumnet??? as offensive regards ones blocked rescue when had saved them……or as…………..