Police are investigating after a burst of gunfire at a 23rd Ave car wash reportedly targeted a woman who fled in terror inside a nearby business to escape Saturday afternoon, according to police radio dispatches.
We have not yet confirmed details with police but East Precinct radio reported several units converging at Uncle Ike’s car wash just north of 23rd and Union after a bout of gunfire was reported just before 1:30 PM.
The victim was uninjured, according to radio reports.
Police were searching for a green Camaro carrying two men reportedly involved in the shooting. A car matching that description was stopped about two miles south of the shooting scene and one person was detained but we do not yet know if police have connected him to the shooting.
Tell me again why I don’t want this corner being gentrified?
Capitol seem pretty gentrified to me, and there was a shooting inside the QFC garage just last weekend. Plus all the used needles, muggings, and assaults on men who are perceived to be gay. The Central District seems pretty much gentrified to me, yet there is still crime. I doubt these two neighborhood will ever have the lower crime rate of Queen Anne Hill.
I am a lifelong neighborhood resident who was also a customer at that very car wash yesterday. It’s public gunfire in all neighborhoods that I am afraid of, and not the $500k homeowners adjacent to the car wash. I am thankful for the community efforts to bring back housing with affordable rent for low/middle/fixed income people nearby in the future. When you wish for gentrification, what specifically are the changes you’d like to see?
“public gunfire in all neighborhoods that I am afraid of“
Like those Queen Anne yoga moms in Subarus trading bullets during a beef over parking spots outside a pilates class?
I haven’t read about that particular gun battle. The Queen Anne public gunfire that comes to mind is the unsolved shooting of federal prosecutor Thomas Wales through his home window. Gunfire towards people creates lasting fear whether it’s in a higher or lower income area, and sadly, sometimes with grave consequences.
Yeah, I’m sure The Queen Anne yoga moms live in fear of getting capped in the crossfire because of a 17 year old unsolved murder in the ‘hood.
I think you’re missing the point. IE, in “fully gentrified” areas (like Queen Anne) you’re far FAR less likely to hear or be hit by gunfire. So even though there’s no cause/effect at play here, the increasing so-called gentrification of this area, as it spreads out, is likely to be followed by fewer incidents of gunfire such as this.