Moon faced off with Durkan at Seattle U Monday night. Tuesday, the candidates are on the bill for the Africatown-Central District Voter Education Forum at Washington Hall (Images: Alex Garland)
If you’re still undecided amidst the live debates and comparison pieces between mayoral candidates Cary Moon and Jenny Durkan, maybe this will finally settle the score.
Moon is personable and approachable. But she speaks from an uncommon point of view: She’s most versed in the lofty language of programs and policies. She often gets into the reeds when discussing affordable housing.
“Definitely my system-thinking, engineer brain likes to go up to the 30,000 foot level,” Moon said. “It’s good for developing solutions but not always good for building public will around them.”
This is the case for a Capitol Hill vote for candidate Moon. * Don’t worry, Jenny Durkan backers — we’ll take a swing for your candidate, next. (UPDATE 10/18/2017: Here you go.)
The crux of Moon’s platform is affordable housing. On the topic, Moon dives into background logistics, naming real estate investment trusts and private equity funds. She said Seattle needs to understand what drives up prices and what viable tools can legally “disincentivize” it.
“This is not normal, prices are rising twice as fast than any other city,” Moon said.
“We have allowed outside actors who are not folks who live and work in our city to use our housing market as commodities. We’ve got to block that activity.”
To understand what’s going on, Moon said she will hold a housing summit. She does have some theories of her own.
“I think the housing affordability crisis,” Moon said, “the fact that our economy is generating tremendous wealth but only for a lucky few, and the racial equity in our city are all three intertwined. And all need to be confronted at the same time.”
The homeless and affordable housing crisis are where Moon said she will focus her efforts. In addition, she frequently cites helping small businesses. She feels they build long-term economic prosperity.
The silver-haired mayoral candidate talks about racial equity and disproportionate impact quite a lot, but does her resume walk the talk? Not so much. Moon has primarily worked on sustainable transportation and “smart growth” issues in Seattle. She named working on the People’s Waterfront ten years ago, which focused on creating a civic space by taking back 22 acres of city-owned public land that the Washington State Department of Transportation used.
“[This activism] is not for disadvantaged communities, I’ll just own that,” she said. “Since then, I’ve really shifted away to looking at deeper issues: How do we generate an economy that benefits everybody?”
Moon has also worked with Honest Elections Seattle, to keep money out of local politics, and housing affordability. The candidate didn’t name any specific action items she would implement should she take office, however. Instead, she listed off desires after acknowledging that civil rights leaders and communities of color have been doing the work for decades.
“Watching the degree to which the people who have access to power in the city are not engaging fully on the change we need to make has really galvanized my attention to that,” Moon said. “I feel like we’ve got to invite communities of color to have a seat at the table, at all departmental leadership teams, and the mayor’s office.”
Her first step would be to listen, then she’d focus on “righting historic wrongs via allocating resources.”
She is also in favor of Initiative 940, which would change law enforcements’ malice standard, adding a “good faith” clause and requiring independent investigation. Moon has signed, endorsed and donated to this measure. Durkan, however, has also endorsed the measure.
“I’ve been working with that group and believe exactly in that solution,” Moon said. This isn’t shocking. Moon is very much a challenger while still not being on the extreme left.
“I am committed to using my wealth…to build a better city. I ask you, if you were lucky like me…wouldn’t you do the same thing? Invest in making a better world? So I’m not ashamed.”
Many are uneasy, however, about Moon’s wealth:
Moon lists her assets at $4.1 million, including a condo near Pike Place Market with views of Puget Sound and the Olympic mountains. The condo is valued at $1.8 million according to Zillow.
UPDATE: CHS has updated this portion of the article to more accurately document Moon’s wealth.
But during Seattle University’s Monday night forum, Moon explained she didn’t start off that way, citing that she struggled in the middle class.
“I spent most of my 40s as a single mom, struggling, having anxiety attacks every month,” she said. “I am committed to using my wealth…to build a better city. I ask you, if you were lucky like me…wouldn’t you do the same thing? Invest in making a better world? So I’m not ashamed.”
She also asks others to hold her accountable and wants to set up feedback networks. The point of reference for her was the ‘90s where Seattle did neighborhood planning. Moon wants to bring this back and hold more structured, facilitated conversations with communities. This might explain why her answers often involve summits and forums rather than hard-stance, specific action items.
“I know in the mayor’s office we need to have folks from the community to feel empowered enough to say, ‘wait a minute,’” Moon said, “or straight up ‘this is not working for my community and here’s why.’”
When she decided to run for Seattle mayor, Moon didn’t expect to develop a thick skin.
“As a person in civilian life who’s worked on constructive issues and helping identify solutions and strategies, typically I get treated with gratitude and respect,” she said. “Running for office is a much crueler and hostile world.”
Moon said her harshest critics are ones who have a seat at the table and want to keep it that way.
“They like the access they have in government now, and are very mistrustful of anybody who wants to change that,” she said. “The Chamber of Commerce, they feel fairly hostile. The Seattle Times’ editorial board: can’t tell if curious or hostile.”
But it’s not all bad. Moon named a good 15 organizations and groups that she admires in Seattle, but couldn’t give person-specific names. She later named a small business owner as someone she admires, but wasn’t sure if she remembered the name correctly.
Nonetheless, Moon calls for solidarity. While she started her campaign with broad solutions, she says she’s refined them by working directly with community groups.
“I know the center of how we change course is building on a really strong, unified movement across labor, communities of color, environmental justice, economic progressives,” she said. “We have to learn how to build trust and work on each others’ issues. I’m always pushing the envelope of what’s politically possible and legally possible.”
Moon feels she stands starkly separate from her political rival, Durkan. Perhaps this sentiment is coming from a rooted frustration from local outlets calling the two female candidates one in the same.
“I’m really focused on racial equity and sharing power and blasting through the barriers that have kept Seattle in this quietly, unintentionally, deeply unequal system for too long,” Moon said. “I am ready to shift that power and access. [Durkan] is really protective of the status quo.”
Your ballot is coming soon — where to meet the candidates this week around Hill, CD
Neither candidate is all that desirable to me, but after enduring the national political nightmare for 9 months, I’ll stick to voting for someone with at least a shred of government experience.
Seattle doesn’t have the luxury of waiting around for a mayor to figure out how to run the government.
To be honest, I really don’t think it really matters who is elected mayor. I think we will still have illegal homeless encampments, streets that are disintegrating, traffic that is only going to get worse, and luxury housing pushing the middle class to South King County. We as a city keep voting in the exact same type of people over and over again. Maybe it is time to start voting for a more moderate candidate. Seattle is a one party town, and there is no such thing as checks and balances when it comes to our leadership/
I agree. It is especially important to vote in the more moderate candidate (Jenny Durkan) now that our City Council is taking a decided shift to the left, and this will only be more so when Tim Burgess is replaced.
Legally you shift taxation to Land and charge the same rate for everyone. It is only the value and quantity of land that should determine how much one pays. After all, tax jurisdictions are entirely spatial in nature. How could a system be fairer? Most corporate assets are real estate, so the tax is insanely progressive and it is fair in that it hits businesses based on their footprint, providing a more equitable playing field to incentivize both small and large businesses.
I have spoken in the past with Ms. Moon, and was suitably impressed with both her intelligence and knowledge and crucial experience, and no Seattle mayor has ever encompassed that experience to my mind, and have failed miserably at city management.
Durkan is running on her abysmal “experience” as a former US Attorney, where she led a three-year investigation into Washington Mutual, with ZERO prosecutions recommended – – the classic no-achievement government worker syndrome (and no, I am not bashing gov’t workers).
As an openly gay woman, when I was US Attorney I led a 3-year investigation of Washington Mutual and couldn’t uncover anything worth prosecuting — oh, those rascally devils!
Now that’s experience, and why you should vote Jenny Durkan for mayor!
As an openly gay woman, I am a notorious flip-flopper. Now that’s consistency, and why you should vote Jenny Durkan for mayor!
As an openly gay woman, I enjoy picking zits.
Now that’s refined taste and why you should vote Jenny Durkan for mayor!
Jenny Durkan is very approachable for residents in the capitol hill area from sitting down and talking with many leaders who have businesses on the Capitol hill and Melrose area ,she is the better choice to help this city navigate through standing up to the developers and helping a realistic plan for the homeless and drug issues that are a huge problem ,Jenny has the experience and the “chops”day one for this amazing city
“I spent most of my 40s as a single mom, struggling, having anxiety attacks every month” I can’t imagine what it must have been like as a struggling millionaire…puhleeze… I’ve supported myself and children by working 40+ hour work weeks, scrimping and saving absolutely everywhere I could while trying to plan for the future. No inheritance, no help from family or the ex… just me. So spare me the ‘I feel your pain’ routine because you dont. I’ll be voting for Durkan because she’s honest, has integrity and has HELD A JOB her entire life that actually relates to helping others while making the city a safe place to live.
Moon is a trust fund baby that has never held a real job in her life, but sure, let her run the city.
Who sends HER kids toe lite private schools. Maybe she believes in school choice only for rich liberals?
“She gets into the reeds when discussing affordable housing” is kinda nothing compared to Durkan’s assistance to Black Prisoners’ Caucus and 25 yrs of legal work on gay mens’ hospice and passing a nondiscrimination bill. Real-world experience counts. Where did Moon live prior to her 4 million $ condo? How was she able to buy it? She seems too soft.
This is a critical time for the Emerald City. It seems that Moon would be more of the business as usual, which is deferring dealing directly with homelessness, being hostile to business, and not being proactive on issues that confront us all in 2017. She also has no political experience, and, if our current “so called” President is an example of that, it seems to be a course charted for disaster. Not only does Durkan have the experience, she also has the moxie to make effective positive change when we need it most. I don’t think business as usual is best for Capitol Hill, which I believe Moon represents. Homeless encampments in public parks isn’t a solution, it’s a contributor to the malaise to which we all suffer from in this amazing city. Her brother is the biggest advocate of the homeless and there is no doubt that this will effect change as well. Jennie is more than just a storied name of can-do and will-do politics in this state: she is our opportunity to change the tides to what truly makes Seattle the amazing place it is, and should be.
Agree. I think the homeless issue is the “elephant in the room”. It needs to be dealt with directly and aggressively in order to stop and reverse the degradation of our beautiful city by the many camps, drug use, violence, litter, human waste, etc. I believe that Durkan will do this, and Moon will not because she will continue the failed policies of the past, in the name of “compassion.”