From the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce
We are pleased to announce that the Capitol Hill Chamber, Broadway Business Improvement Area and PrideFest have joined forces to organize the Capitol Hill Pride Event on June 24th !
Today the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce (CHCC) is launching a partnership to work with Seattle PrideFest and the Broadway Business Improvement Area (BBIA) board to host next Saturday’s Pride event on Broadway, now called PrideFest Capitol Hill and encompassing the area from Pine Street to Roy Street at the north end of Broadway. This partnership builds upon years of working together on successful community events such as Clean Sweep and Hilloween to ensure the Capitol Hill Pride continues to be an amazing event for visitors, businesses and entertainers.
If you are a business, organization or individual who paid for a booth with the former event organizer, please request a booth and provide proof of payment at to receive a complimentary space. If you are a brick-and-mortar business located between Pike St and Roy St, you will also receive a complementary space.
Read the full press release here: