UPDATE 2/6/17 1:20 PM: The wet snow has been taking a toll on utility wires through the day but the pace has picked up a bit with reports coming in of wires down in various areas around Capitol Hill but, so far, no interruption in electricity services. Many of the wires have been for cable service keeping Comcast technicians busy. Cracking branches are also a problem so watch your head. One group of helpful citizens was captured on video, above, helping to keep 15th Ave E clear. Thanks to Julie for sharing the video with us. SDOT’s crews, meanwhile, along with City Light and Seattle Public Utilities have kept the city from coming to a standstill.
Have I mentioned what a great job @SEACityLight, @seattledot, @SeattleSPU and others are doing with #SEAsnow response? Thank you! pic.twitter.com/97nfdHzJll
— Ed Murray (@MayorEdMurray) February 6, 2017
Air pic.twitter.com/KoQPAAMiGo
— jseattle (@jseattle) February 6, 2017
UPDATE 2/6/17 11:25 AM: Lots of fun and games for those with time to play Monday. We found a veritable kid winter olympics underway in Volunteer Park. Forecasters are still watching how the afternoon and evening will unfold — depending on temperatures on the ground, we could see a little more snow… but, more likely, rain.
V Park run pic.twitter.com/EfAo4t5jJ0
— jseattle (@jseattle) February 6, 2017
Ducktrails pic.twitter.com/mrTM2H3b01
— jseattle (@jseattle) February 6, 2017
Teamwork pic.twitter.com/FC5CG3rQmv
— jseattle (@jseattle) February 6, 2017
beautiful 80 year old Pine gently kissed our car #seattlesnow @jseattle pic.twitter.com/liU6SDO8fO
— tammy luthy (@whocanstandit) February 6, 2017
John hill claiming first victim pic.twitter.com/KvPm6uU6bn
— jseattle (@jseattle) February 6, 2017
UPDATE 2/6/17 6:45 AM: Added scenes from a morning walk, throughout, below. The routes like Broadway, Pike, Pine, E Olive Way are mostly drivable. Side streets and hills are treacherous for the ill-equipped, the unprepared, and the occasional wayward Metro driver. Take it slow. Meanwhile, many cafes and neighborhood businesses are starting their days and ready for action thanks to a walk-area workforce.
TV already beat me to this one. It's at 18/Highland pic.twitter.com/dYxcpFkVTn
— jseattle (@jseattle) February 6, 2017
UPDATE 2/6/17 4:58 AM: Seattle started its Monday blanketed in a layer of snow with around a 1/2 inch reported across most of the city. Schools are closed for the day and buses are running on “designated snow routes”–
At the start of service on Monday, King County Metro Transit is operating all buses via designated snow routes in all areas until further notice. It is not possible to know when a bus will arrive at a specific location, or to provide service updates at the individual trip or stop level. Use regularly published timetables as a guide, check Metro’s online snow page for updates, be aware of conditions in your area and be prepared for delays. Transit customers are advised to wait for buses at posted bus stops on flat portions of cleared arterials or at major transfer points, such as park-and-ride lots and transit centers where there may be multiple service options.
On parts of Capitol Hill, the accumulations were closer to three to five inches and snow was continuing to softly fall. Forecasts call for snow to continue through noon before transitioning to periods of snow and rain in the afternoon. Don’t expect streets and sidewalks to get much better during the day. A team of dozens of snow removal trucks was working to keep the city’s main arterials open but streets especially at higher elevations on Capitol Hill around 15th Ave E were mostly snow covered and best for all-wheel drive vehicles despite a few brave souls making a run for it in lesser machines.
- CHS Capitol Hill Weather Page
- CHS Capitol Hill Traffic Cameras
- SDOT Snow Map
- Metro Snow and Ice Page
Walking in Stevens area of Hill. Only sounds are branches cracking. Yikes pic.twitter.com/X6WTTEaCzq
— jseattle (@jseattle) February 6, 2017
15th Ave E. A Kia just handled fwiw pic.twitter.com/j8C169uqT9
— jseattle (@jseattle) February 6, 2017
Capitol Hill Station got zero inches pic.twitter.com/GNW5OGLeXc
— jseattle (@jseattle) February 6, 2017
Meanwhile, there were no reports of significant power outages in our area of the city despite dipping tree branches covered with snow. There was at least one report of a tree that surrendered to the weight exciting a local TV news crew to no end.
CHS will continue to have updates through the day. See something others should know about? Email CHS or call/txt (206) 399-5959.
Bad news you guys. Pronto snow closure pic.twitter.com/gB0dkwFLUp
— jseattle (@jseattle) February 6, 2017
The snow is stacking up in Capitol Hill. We all get a snow day tomorrow, right? pic.twitter.com/6xwqHy7mYd
— Do206 (@Do206) February 6, 2017

The NWS forecast for the 24-hour period from 4 PM Sunday to 4 PM Monday shows a prediction for around 3.5 inches in Seattle
Original Report: The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning and wet and icy flakes were falling across Capitol Hill Sunday night as Seattle prepared for an expected inch or more of snow predicted to, um, pile up in the next 24 hours. Bundle up!
Life in a northern town like Seattle means occasional visits of extra wintry weather that can overwhelm our transit system and cause plenty of issues for getting around town. As a result, our parameters for a “snow day” are a little lower than you might find in locations more accustomed to frozen, fluffy rain.
While not much was sticking around 9 PM Sunday, cooler temperatures and continued precipitation were expect to conspire in honest to goodness snow accumulation by the morning commute.
As of Sunday night, there weren’t any announced school cancellations and the city is still in wait and see mode. You can check out SDOT’s winter weather information here. You can also sign up for updates on conditions at Alert.Seattle.gov.
Metro is monitoring conditions and preparing to operate snow routes Monday. Sign up for transit alerts & plan ahead. https://t.co/UhrqY9ZoCB
— King County Metro 🚏 (@KingCountyMetro) February 6, 2017
Please prepare & plan ahead in case of #SEAsnow forecast. Read our snow route map as part of your #SEAWinterPrep:https://t.co/TXpnBkrgPO pic.twitter.com/sepjybQR8R
— Seattle Department of Transportation (@seattledot) February 5, 2017
Birds on a wire in snow, Central District. Genus Corvus. pic.twitter.com/gfDjqedRBg
— Megan Thomas (@meg_thomas) February 6, 2017
Wise Orchid Taijiquan & Qigong studio at 20th and E Union is closed this morning.☃