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On Broadway, Pho Cyclo is now The Pho

In the biggest Broadway pho news since Than Brothers moved across the street, Pho Cyclo is gone. Welcome, The Pho.

The new sign went up Thursday. The deal, however, went down way back in October of 2015, a representative for new owner Sam Cho tells CHS. We expect many didn’t notice the new ownership which is good news when it comes to hot soup “starting at $4.99.”

In 2013, CHS spoke with Pho Cyclo’s Taylor Hoang about her near decade at the Broadway favorite and her approach to creating food and drink ventures in the city. “Seeing how hard they worked in restaurant business — seven days a week,” Hoang told CHS back then. “I didn’t want that for myself. So we put in time and effort to develop procedures.” In the run-up to the approval of Seattle’s $15 minimum wage plan, Hoang joined a chorus of business figures opposing the measure. “You ask why if we’re not profitable we keep going. We keep going in the hopes that tomorrow will be a better day,” Hoang told the council.

Though Capitol Hill’s food and drink scene swings more and more toward the midscale and up, Broadway continues to make a home for pho. In 2014, the retreat from Broadway of chain restaurant Qdoba made way for Than Brothers to upgrade with a move across the street.

Unlike the Than Brothers chain and Hoang, who has been part of multiple restaurants in the city, we’re told Cho is more of an investor than a restaurateur. Fans of the relatively giant pho joint are likely happy about the investment.

The Pho is located at 406 Broadway E. You can learn more at

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8 years ago

I don’t get it. Is it the same owners with a new name?

8 years ago
Reply to  josh

new owners, new name, same address.

new recipes?

8 years ago
Reply to  josh

Same recipes?

8 years ago

Suspected something was up last week when I got my usual banh mi there. They used to have one of the best (along with the Pho Bac in Denny Triangle), but the new sandwich is typical and not very flavorful. Tough luck for banh mi fans but I wish them the best!

walks dogs
walks dogs
8 years ago

Was in there last week and what a mess. Several empty tables with dirty dishes, sat down and waited for some one to take my order. Finally went to counter and got their attention. Then waited when I finished for my bill. Again went to counter to get their attention. Hope this isn’t a sign of things to come.

pho eater
pho eater
8 years ago
Reply to  walks dogs

As it has always been with this resturant you are supposed to wait to be seated, after you eat you go to the cash register to pay.

8 years ago

This used to be my favorite Cap Hill restaurants, but the past few years it has consistently declined. New sign…who cares? Get better customer service and dishes.

8 years ago
Reply to  Spencer

Cyclo Pho was a favorite but the place looked dirty and the quality declined lately.

8 years ago

Can’t wait to try the new owner’s recipes. Last time I tried Pho Cyclo I was shocked to find it even more bland that Than Brothers. (I didn’t know that was even possible). There hasn’t been decent Pho actually *on* Broadway since Pho 900 closed years ago. (Luckily they’re on 15th now at Bamboo). I hope The Pho will bring soup back to Broadway that actually has flavor.

8 years ago

I ate at The Pho Broadway last night. Same recipes, same menu, same staff, and same Vietnamese café backdrop on the north wall and Vietnamese street on the south wall. In fact, they’re still using Pho Cyclo’s menus and the lady at the register still called their Pho Dac Biet the “Pho Cyclo”.

I like Pho Cyclo’s pho more than Than Brothers and put it even with Bamboo.