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Starbucks Roastery’s latest Capitol Hill innovation: ice cream + coffee is delicous

No this post is not an ad for Starbucks, they did not pay us to post this picture, and we are not (exactly) corporate shills (Image: Starbucks)

No this post is not an ad for Starbucks, they did not pay us to post this picture, and we are not (exactly) corporate shills (Image: Starbucks)

The Starbucks Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room is already a people magnet drawing thousands of visitors a week to the base of Capitol Hill. Now it has ice cream.

“There was a lot of coffee and ice cream drinking early in the day,” said Lillian Ontiveros, about the process of developing the ice cream centered coffee beverages the Roastery added to its menu. Like all good things Starbucks, be ready for whatever appears at the showcase cafes like the Roastery or Roy Street to eventually be rolled out globally at massive scale.

And we’ll call it… the Frappuccino!…

Monday, the Roastery unveiled the new summer additions to its core menu, all blending coffee with MORA vanilla ice cream. The Roastery, which opened at Melrose and Pike in 2014, is a place for Starbucks to try out new beverages and is the facility where the coffee giant roasts all of its speciality beans. It does a tidy business as a tourist trap, too.

The new ice cream-y additions include several types of affogato, espresso poured over ice cream, iced coffee floats, and a coffee malt. Ontiveros said her favorite drink is the Vesuvius, which combines cold brew coffee, orange peel, and vanilla ice cream.

“Normally you think ice cream’s delicious no matter what, but paired with coffee it’s 100 times better,” said Ontiveros.

A Starbucks spokeswoman said the new menu will not extend beyond the Roastery for now, but added that when experiments have proven popular in the past they have often been added to other Starbucks’ menus.

Meanwhile, we can reveal the secrets of the new project for any of the local cafes looking to keep up with the global coffee giant: Add a few gallons of ice cream to your freezer — and be glad you don’t have to think about how to make your next project scale around the world.

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8 years ago

“No this post is not an ad for Starbucks, they did not pay us to post this picture, and we are not (exactly) corporate shills”

you sold out, man! i remember when you used to be cool.

8 years ago
Reply to  zeebleoop

Oh, please……

8 years ago
Reply to  zeebleoop

Is he supposed to subsist on what $$ you donate?

8 years ago
Reply to  zeebleoop

you both need to check your sarcasm meters. ’cause they clearly aren’t working.

8 years ago
Reply to  zeebleoop

Or maybe you need to recalibrate yours.

8 years ago
