The annual elections for the Capitol Hill Community Council were held last night. All positions were filled, and the council now has seven members.
Zachary Pullin, Natalie Curtis, and Mike Archambault are all returning members of the council; Lauren Berguson, Marley Blonsky, Tristan Gardner, and Katie Kurfurst were all elected to the council for the first time Thursday night in the organization’s June meeting at 12th Ave Arts. All positions ran unopposed.
And our council has approved our slate of 7 officers! Congrats to our new officers Marley Blonsky, Tristen Gardner, & Katie Kurfurst
— CH Community Council (@CHCCouncilSea) June 17, 2016
Pullin has been on the council since 2014 and was elected as council president. He said he was excited to keep serving in whatever capacity he could, and his goal for the council was to “make sure that we are a part of,” rather than “impede,” the change happening on the Hill.
Curtis, who has previously served as both an at large member and secretary, was elected vice president. Curtis is also involved in HALA and is part of the Renter’s Initiative.
Berguson was elected to the council for the first time as secretary. Berguson says she is highly involved in the Seattle music scene and sees herself as a bridge between the civic and arts communities of Capitol Hill.
Archambault, the last returning member of the council, was elected as treasurer and said his area of interest was transportation policy.
1,461 new parking spaces coming to South Lake Union with this dev! Jeeeeeeeeeeez
— mike archie (@archiebikes) May 13, 2016
Blonsky was elected as an at-large member. “I should have gotten involved a long time ago,” she said. Blonsky said she interacted with a wide range of people in the community, including the people who live in “the nice houses on 15th, the mental health population on 17th, etc.”
This bikepacking thing is crazy. Where do you put everything?! Give me back my panniers!
— Marley Blonsky (@MarleyBlonsky) June 16, 2016
“We need to make sure that this council has a voice for all of them, or is at least listening,” said Blonsky.
Kurfurst, the Capitol Hill representative for HALA, was elected for the first time as an at-large member, and said that she was looking “to raise awareness for tenant rights and affordable housing.”
Gardner was elected for the first time as an at-large member, and spoke about his desire to “keep Capitol Hill a weird place.” Gardner said that many quirky organizations that serve as havens for marginalized populations find their home on Capitol Hill, and he wants to make sure they stay centered there.
ECBP n July! Donate so we can put on this and other events for Black LGBTQ! @ECBlackPride
— Tristen Gardner (@trisgardner) June 7, 2016
“What I think is really interesting about Capitol Hill for me is that for so long it’s always been a place for the weird,” Gardner said. “Safe places for the weird are really important.”
With many community councils around the city continuing to represent entrenched interests and parochial issues, the Hill’s community council has managed to achieve a more forward looking focus that represents many of the types of people living and working on Capitol Hill. Officers of the council are responsible for organizing the group but have no special voting privileges when it comes to making council decisions. If you have a community interest in Capitol Hill, you’re a member. If you attend a meeting, you can vote. To learn more about the council’s initiatives and how to get involved, check out
+1 on the article.
Very rare to have a community council that’s pro-renter, pro-walkability, and not just a NIMBY collective.