With a blustery weekend ahead, you might want to curl up with a good online web sitcom but you should really bundle up and venture outside for the arts. As a neighborhood with its very own web series, Capitol Hill remains the ideal host for the 2016 edition of the Seattle Web Fest:
We feature web-based fiction & non-fiction series from Seattle and around the world. We celebrate this independent television by curating a selection of amazing shows for theatrical presentation while hosting panels & workshops from industry professionals.
The annual and FREE event (first come, first served) features 50 shows from around the world and panels for aspiring web series creators. Saturday’s “Local Money” panel will include Wes Hurley, one of the creators behind the Capitol Hill series starring Waxie Moon. The event runs 10 AM to 8 PM at 12th Ave’s Northwest Film Forum. Check out the full 2016 schedule for start times — or for a few good shows to enjoy like Seattle-created Manic Pixie Dream Wife, “a comedy limited/mini series created by M. Elizabeth Eller that examines the pop-culture trope of the manic pixie dream girl” —
Meanwhile, Thursday night brings the March edition of the Capitol Hill art walk. As you know, if the art walk comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb — so expect a quieter affair in April. You can find a full roster of this month’s walk venues and featured artists at capitolhillartwalk.com.
For more things to do on and around Capitol Hill or to add your own, check out the CHS Calendar.
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