In December, CHS reported on the six-story, apartment development set to create a new 10,000 square-foot writing center home for Hugo House. Tuesday, the literary nonprofit and the Frye Art Museum announced Hugo House will move to First Hill during the demolition and construction:
“We love the Frye and are delighted to become partners in the Museum’s ongoing plan to build a cultural and intellectual anchor on First Hill,” said Hugo House Executive Director Tree Swenson. “Hugo House at the Frye keeps us close to Capitol Hill, which is central for our students, teachers, and so many people who attend our events. Visitors to our temporary home on First Hill will be pleased to find the same coziness and writerly atmosphere they’ve loved for years at the old Hugo House.”
The move to the Frye-owned building is planned to take place in “mid-2016.”
“Hugo House will operate a full schedule of readings, classes, book launches, workshops, teen programs, and more at the Frye while its new building is being constructed,” according to the announcement. Hugo House will continue to offer “more than seventy classes per quarter” in the Frye’s building at Boren Avenue and Columbia.
Hugo House events will be moved to the Frye’s auditorium with Elliott Bay Book Company and the Sorrento Hotel also pitching in.
Hugo House announced it will also start new programs during its stay on First Hill including “manuscript consultations and writing-group matchmaking.”
The 11th Ave development project is planned to be open by 2018 and will have room for Hugo House classrooms, offices, performance spaces, and studios for writers as well as a street-level cafe.