Meet Sagan (formerly known as Moonbeam, now named after the great Carl Sagan) a 4-year-old cat, adopted from PAWS Cat City in the University District, now sharing an apartment with Madison in the Boylston/Denny zone of Capitol Hill. Sagan is “a talker” and is also fond of sitting on one’s head while they are sleeping. A few minutes spent with Sagan and you understand that she is more than just a good cat, easy going, and purrr-fect for a rainy Seattle day, she understands the cosmos. Keep an eye out for leashed Sagan on Capitol Hill once the sun spends more time in Seattle.
We ask photographer Alex Garland to follow marchers in the rain and do crazy things like trying to make yet another picture of yet another huge apartment building look interesting. We thought we’d ask him to do something a little more fun. Capitol Hill Pets is a semi-regular look at our furry, fuzzy, feathered, and finned friends found out and about on Capitol Hill.
Nice apparel match between cat and human!
I was going to say the same thing!
It is important to accessorize your wardrobe with a matching cat. Well done Sagan & Madison.