Here are the top stories from this week in CHS history:
- 2014: #blacklivesmatter: A look at the covenants on Capitol Hill
- 2014: Harvard Exit’s future is preservation-minded restaurant and office development
- 2013: A 14th Ave ‘lost dog’ poster story with a double happy ending
- 2013: Neumos partner, Sam’s Tavern owner in new deal for old Canterbury
- 2012: Sunset Electric’s transformative moment at 11th and Pine
- 2011: B&O Espresso apparently sticking around for 2012
- 2011: Table 219’s chef comes out of the kitchen as Americana is born on Broadway
- 2010: City finds three more dangerous light poles — 1 on Capitol Hill, 1 on First Hill, 1 in CD
- 2009: Streetcar route maps released with community meeting a day away
- 2009: With redevelopment project looming, Cafe Septieme to shut down at end of month
- 2008: Accident leaves bus hanging over I5