Over the years, CHS has sent Seattle freelance photographer Alex Garland high — and we’ve sent him low. But we’ve never provided him with god’s view from way up high on St. James Cathedral, looking down on all creation — also known as First Hill.
For that, Alex needed On Sight Access and help from Ryan Daudistel’s crew of “rigging and rope” experts currently at work on the 110-year-old landmark.
Daudistel tells CHS the On Sight Access crew will be at work on the 9th Ave cathedral for the next week or so helping Nelson Electric install exterior lighting on the facades of the St. James bell towers.
“We use rope access techniques, which allows us to rappel down the sides of the towers,” Daudistel said. “It’s definitely photogenic work.”
You can learn more about On Sight Access at onsightaccess.com. For more of Alex’s work, check out alexgarlandphotography.com.
View more pictures from St. James on the CHS Facebook page.