Earlier this week, CHS told you about what’s next for Capitol Hill Housing — and how you can help support the nonprofit developer at its annual Omnivorous food and drink event Thursday night. Tickets are $85.
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Thursday also brings the annual fundraiser for the Country Doctor Community Health Centers — you should Eat Out on Capitol Hill:
All day long you can Eat & Drink at a variety of establishments on and around Capitol Hill on Thursday, September 24, all while helping to support high quality, caring, culturally appropriate primary health care that addresses the needs of people regardless of their ability to pay!
Here is the 2015 roster of participating venues — let us know if there are last minute additions:
You can enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. with a portion of your bill going to support Country Doctor.
As for the somewhat awkward name, we think Country Doctor should just drop the “on” and fully embrace the streamlined “Eat Out Capitol Hill” brand for the annual fundraiser. We’d certainly buy the t-shirt.