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CHS Pics | A sunny dB in the Park


(Images: Alex Garland for CHS)

IMG_2267Summer has been over for a week but you wouldn’t know it by the sunny afternoons we’ve been enjoying so far this fall. And you wouldn’t have known it Sunday as the 12th annual Decibel Festival wound down by turning the beats up at the free dB in the Park party at Volunteer Park.

While the thumping bass inspired many to dance and all to do the bum-bum-bum head nod, some in the CHS comments aren’t fans of the outdoor DJ performances. We expect further inspiration for those some come October 15th as the Volunteer Park Trust holds a community meeting to discuss the project to replace the park’s aging stage. If you’d like to speak up in favor the bass, mark your calendar.

In the meantime, enjoy the pictures, below. And the sunshine, above.

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9 years ago

I’ve already registered complaints with the city. That was the most mind numbing, obnoxious concert we’ve ever heard from 3 blocks away. 7.5 hours of unrelenting bass, windows rattling, etc. is insane. City living certainly exposes one to lots of noise, but this was over the top. I’m making it my mission to get this thing moved to a different location next year. BTW, that was a pretty small crowd to justify 7.5 hours of noise.

9 years ago
Reply to  harvey

sounds like this bad-tripper needs to find the chill out room…

9 years ago
Reply to  jsteez

One needs to take such things in consideration when living next to a public park.

9 years ago
Reply to  bb

Three blocks away is hardly “next to a public park.” Someone that distance from the park might have a reasonable expectation of not being impacted by what goes on there.

9 years ago
Reply to  harvey

One day a year, and a free event put on by Decibel festival which makes this city feel like the epicenter of electronic music for a weekend. I think we can deal with it, yeah?

9 years ago

Complaining to the city over what amounts to less than a day of mild aural discomfort just reeks of entitlement. The people attending seemed to enjoy themselves, but apparently that borders on irrelevance next to your aspirations of constant silence.

Some noise OK, not this
Some noise OK, not this
9 years ago
Reply to  Roger

This concert was too loud. Obviously there’s a limit to how loud things can be. Except in Roger’s world where straw men full of entitled rage demand silence so that people can’t enjoy themselves and there’s no noise loud enough to warrant complaint. Too bad we don’t actually live in Roger’s world.

9 years ago

What’s “too loud” is, to some extent, relative, and I’m sure the people attending the event (and many in proximity not in attendance, including myself) would disagree that the music being played achieved anything close to an objective level of discomfort. When the event is one freakin’ day a year at most, subjective feelings to the contrary do not warrant complaints to the city.

9 years ago

The bass particularly was hard to take. We live a good distance away, and it was incredibly annoying… It just didn’t stop. I like music, and am a big fan of public concerts, but this was too much.

If you cant beat em join em
If you cant beat em join em
9 years ago

I took my three children to watch the show. It was a great day to climb trees, and listen to beats. I even found the music more enjoyable than airplane noise.

9 years ago

That sense of “entitlement” goes both ways, my friend. Why should fans of this loud, aggressive style of music feel entitled to impose it on others? As a Park neighbor who could not hold a normal conversation in my own home for 7 hours because of the noise, I agree with others that this concert was inappropriate for a residential neighborhood. It’s not a question of whether some people enjoyed themselves. This type of event belongs in an arena, not a densely populated neighborhood.