50 eager volunteers descended on Volunteer Park last Saturday at 10 am hoping the rain would hold off and the wind wouldn’t pick up. All were greeted by friendly and organized Volunteer Park Trust committee members. Volunteers were given good tools, coffee and even a donut after signing in.
The southeast corner of the Park needed lots of attention and it got it! Massive weeding and mulching commenced. Volunteer Park’s Landscape Committee Chair and the Head Gardner at Volunteer Park were prepared to lead the charge. Neighbors greeted each other, friends were made and fresh air was enjoyed, all while bringing back some of Olmsted’s original vision for the Park.
Four hours later, supplies were packed up and Volunteer Park Trust signs were scattered through the newly transformed beds. 50 volunteers headed home very satisfied with all they had accomplished. A big thank you to our fabulous volunteers!
For more information please visit www.volunteerparkorg.com