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Liz A. Reynolds Thomas
Liz A. Reynolds Thomas
9 years ago

Just moments ago two Sawant campaign volunteers rang my doorbell and asked if I was supporting their candidate.

I proudly and politely said ‘No, I am not.” I am supporting Pam Banks for Seattle City Council.

As a 20+ year resident of Central Seattle, I can confidently say that Pam Banks truly is the best candidate because of her in depth understanding of the issues facing all residents of District 3, long-time and new neighbors alike!

Ms. Banks’ “public safety platform” and messages about gun violence, jobs = crime prevention, and sensible community policing is what EVERYONE in District 3 needs NOW!

Time to get on-board and support the ONE candidate who truly knows and acts on behalf of District 3 community residents, each and every one!

Liz A Reynolds Thomas
District 3 Resident
Seattle, WA 98122