540 27th Ave, 98122 #Seattle @jseattle 2-Alarm Fire has closed Cherry St. and affected Metro #3 & #48 pic.twitter.com/rij7L13Scm
— #JeSuisCharleston (@Truman206) July 31, 2015
Seattle firefighters battled roaring flames and sweltering temperatures to put out a two-alarm apartment fire near 27th and Cherry Thursday evening.
SFD responded to 540 27th Ave at 4:40 PM, where flames had engulfed the front of the building. No injuries were reported, but SFD said five people will be displaced from the blaze.
The fire was accidentally caused by improperly discarded smoking materials on the building’s front porch, according to SFD.
Crews managed to rescue three cats and a dog from the building and treated the pets for smoke inhalation. Misting fans were brought out to cool off firefighters working in 92+ degree temperatures.
Does anyone know the actual definition of a “two alarm” or multi-alarm fire? I’ve heard that it’s if response comes from more than one fire station, but that seems to be pretty routine.
It’s basically to indicate a higher level of response http://blog.seattlepi.com/seattle911/2009/07/06/what-is-the-difference-in-the-number-of-fire-alarms/
So sorry to hear about the displaced residents. Glad to hear that so many pets were saved. I hope that everyone lands back on their feet and finds housing nearby. Horrible time (market-wise) to be displaced in the city.