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We’re going to need about 3% more. After gathering feedback — and crunching a few more numbers — Mayor Ed Murray announced a revised proposal for a new transportation levy to fund projects across Seattle.
In March, Murray and city officials gathered in front of the Bullitt Center to announce the original $900 million Move Seattle levy proposal as E Madison traffic roared by in the background. That street’s BRT plan will be one of a giant roster of Seattle transit projects planned to be powered by the funding.
Wednesday, officials said the revised plan about to be sent to City Council for approval before it goes to November’s ballot would now weigh in around $930 million. It also has some new priorities stuffed in including more money for street safety and, in a nod to the future demands to be placed on the coming district-based City Council, more money for “neighborhood priority projects.”
After the 3% larger funding pool and the injection of a small handful of new priorities in the plan, we haven’t yet sorted out exactly what has been reduced or dropped in the proposal — but you can review SDOT’s community feedback report here (PDF).
“The revised Levy to Move Seattle reflects community priorities expressed in nearly 8,000 comments received during numerous public meetings, coffee hours and an on-line survey that followed the release of the draft levy proposal in March,” an announcement on the revision reads.
“This levy reflects the needs of our communities and improves the day-to-day realities of getting around our city,” Murray is quoted as saying in the announcement. “Over the past several weeks, the people of Seattle told us that safety is the top priority. We will invest more in transit reliability and access, improved connections to light rail, and making it safer for people of all ages to walk in Seattle.”
In response to community feedback, the Transportation Levy to Move Seattle now includes:
$110 million – an increase of $35 million from the initial proposal – to build new sidewalks in high-demand areas and pilot alternative street designs that making walking safer and more comfortable in residential areas without sidewalks.
An enhanced focus on improving transit in seven high-priority transit corridors, while at the same time adding multimodal improvements that benefit people walking, biking, driving and moving goods.
Increased funding for small neighborhood priority projects focused on safety and connectivity.
The additional $30 million in the levy would come from the projected revenue from taxes on new construction. The cost to the typical taxpayer — “$275 annually for the owner of a median valued home” — remains the same under the revised plan.
The city says 5,300 people “shared their transportation priorities through an online survey,” and that feedback was also gathered at three open houses and various community meetings.
Have you ridden a bike around Cap Hill lately?
Bone-jarring! How about some basic fix-the-streets-we-have funding?
Take a look at 15th Ave E next time you’re there– between Safeway and Coastal Kitchen— laughable! Like Bombay.
Not to mention 17th south of John- has to be worst street in Seattle.
Write the Mayor, ask him for a bike ride.
I used to live at 17th and John. That street heading South towards TJs is the worst. As is 14th at Aloha. Olive at Bellevue. Sheesh, too many to mention.
As an avid walker, I would like to see sidewalk repairs and upgrades occur. Many of our sidewalks are quite dangerous.
I second the motion Lets fix the streets and sidewalks we have before adding or staring new projects …or at least make the streets and sidewalks we have a priority.
[…] million transportation plan for Seattle that includes the BRT construction. Next week, a $930 million levy proposal including funds to pay for the BRT project is slated to land with the Seattle City Council before […]
[…] Capitol Hill Seattle Blog reports that Mayor Ed Murray submitted a revised proposal for a new transportation levy. According […]
[…] was released Tuesday in advance of a public hearing on Mayor Ed Murray’s Move Seattle Levy, a proposed $930 million in transportation funding planned to be powered fully by property […]
the cost was already high, now it’s even higher. This really frustrates me.
[…] Ed Murray’s proposed $930 million transportation levy made it through the City Council gauntlet relatively unscathed Tuesday. While council members […]
[…] In a jerk to communities and sidewalks, modified Dallas transport garnishment … We're likely to require about THREEPERCENT additional. After collecting suggestions — and crushing several additional figures — a modified suggestion was introduced by Gran Ed Murray to finance jobs across Dallas to get a fresh transport garnishment. In Goal, town and Murray authorities collected … Read more on CHS Capitol Hill Dallas […]
[…] levy at expires at the end of this year. This fall, Seattle voters will decide the fate of a proposed $930 million transportation levy to replace […]
[…] $930 million, the Move Seattle levy is going to be the most important financial decision voters will make this election. Burgess and […]