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Hey Olympia, it’s Seattle teacher walkout day — UPDATE: Pictures!


(Images: Alex Garland for CHS)

(Images: Alex Garland for CHS)

IMG_4647UPDATE: Thousands of Seattle teachers and supporters — including contingents from Garfield and NOVA high schools and Stevens and Lowell elementary schools plus plenty of kids who were probably happy to be marching in the street on a sunny day and not in class — rallied in downtown Seattle Tuesday afternoon to call on state lawmakers to improve Washington’s education funding.

With signs calling for a better education budget, smaller class sizes, and reduced spending on standardized testing, the crowd of teachers and supporters marched from Seattle Center to Westlake to call on legislators to better fund Washington schools.

In Olympia, the House and Senate are currently banging out a $1.3 billion and change education budget that would satisfy a court-mandated increase in funding. But even those massive totals won’t be enough to reduce class sizes to meet the requirements of voter approved Initiative 1351.

Senator Jamie Pedersen, a public school parent and Capitol Hill resident, was on hand Tuesday to support the walkout. He said the state’s education funding issues are part of a larger problem stemming from the reinstated 1% cap on property tax increases. Pedersen said the cap has eliminated more than $3 billion in potential funding. “The legislature in the 1970s dedicated the state portion of the property tax to K-12 education,” Pedersen said. “It’s the Tim Eyman initiative at the core of the funding shortage we have right now.”


We’ve posted even more pictures of the walkout rally and march on the CHS Facebook page.

(Image: SEA)

(Image: SEA)

Previous report: Capitol Hill public school teachers — and those who love them — will rally at Garfield High School Tuesday morning before heading to Seattle Center for a rally and march to Westlake as part of a wave of district walkouts across the state to protest education budget cutbacks in Olympia.

There will be no classes for Seattle Public Schools students during Tuesday’s teacher walkout. The City of Seattle is providing day care activities for students at community centers throughout the area.

The state Supreme Court has ordered Washington’s legislature to increase funding for schools by 2019.

Seattle teachers set their walkout for May 19th earlier this month as part of strikes and protests at districts across the state:

The Seattle Education Association (SEA) has voted to join in a statewide action against the legislature to protest the lack of education funding in our state. SEA is the organization of professionals and union that represents teachers in our district. This protest involves a one-day walkout.

SEA represents around 4,000 teachers in the city.

Tuesday's rally (Image: Dennis Saxman)

Tuesday’s rally (Image: Dennis Saxman)

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9 years ago

Sorry, right or wrong, they are under contract and should not walk out, protest or otherwise. Find another way to express your displeasure with the legislature.

9 years ago
Reply to  Glenn

The legislature has repeatedly failed to live up to its contract. It’s time to stand up and send a message.

9 years ago
Reply to  Glenn

The legislature hasn’t listened in years. We’ve waited, written letters, given testimony, and passed referendums. They are nearly in contempt of court for not funding schools and had the gall to ask for an extension of session… all while receiving an 11% raise for themselves. What other course should we take?

Lay down and die
Lay down and die
9 years ago
Reply to  Glenn

Just because you’re a credulous jamoke doesn’t mean we have to live down to your level

9 years ago

‘Black Student Lives Matter’? What…seriously? What does this have to do with schools being funded???? I didn’t realize this is a life or death matter? Don’t all Student Lives matter?

Marcus Vance
Marcus Vance
9 years ago

I feel really disappointed and disrespected in my teachers for walking out. There is no reason why they get to decide if I have to make a day up for them leaving. This is my learning time. It’s not theirs to decide.


[…] spring, teachers in Seattle joined others across the state for a one-day walkout to push for Olympia to increase state funding for the school system and pound out a $1.3 billion education […]