For the first time since they were selected to develop the housing and retail sites that will one day surround the Capitol Hill light rail station, developers Gerding Edlen met with the Capitol Hill community Saturday to show off its early designs for the project.
The Portland-based developer set up posters inside E Pine’s Century Ballroom for a public viewing of the company’s winning proposal, which Sound Transit selected and made available last month. The event was co-hosted by Sound Transit and Capitol Hill Champion, a neighborhood group that’s worked for years to insert community priorities into the “transit oriented development” project.
Members from the Gerding team and architects from Schemata Workshop were on hand to answer questions and take public feedback during the three hour open house. The event was a kickoff of sorts to a new round of community engagement on the project as Sound Transit spent much of the past six months scoring proposals from four teams.
A dog swimming pool, music practice spaces, a newsstand, and more vibrant color palettes were just a few of the colorful suggestions attendees offered after viewing the designs Saturday.
Gerding’s plans call for 418 apartments with 38% of units to rent for below market rate for 12 years and 86 units designated for “permanent affordable housing.” A third of the units will have at least two bedrooms.
Gerding estimates the project will cost $124 million for three sites, not including the affordable housing property at Site B-North.
Once the final lease is approved by the Federal Transit Administration, the developer team will still need to work through the city’s permitting and design view process, which is expected to last well into next year. According to the 262-page bid document, construction for Site A is slated to start around summer 2016 and last through August 2017. Gerding expects the entire project will be open sometime in 2018.
According to Gerding’s Sarah Zahn, the company will purchase the affordable housing property from Sound Transit and sign leases for the three others. Contract negotiations for the properties, which are estimated to be worth around $25 million, are expected to last at least through this summer. No new design schematics are expected to come out in the interim, Schemata architect John Feit told CHS.
In the coming months, Gerding will have to select a nonprofit housing partner to develop and manage the project’s affordable housing site. Meanwhile, Zahn told CHS that the company is continuing talks with a Portland-based grocer that will likely become the project’s anchor retail tenant.
Plans for a retail “bazaar” at Site A-North, called The Market Hall, envision “a mix of local retailers, served by booths of varying sizes to accommodate the start-up entrepreneur as well as more established specialty retailers.” Gerding says it plans to work closely with the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce to select a retail broker and future tenants.
How to power the development will be one of the many design decisions that get sorted out over the next year. One idea is to use so-called “district energy” by piping in steam from a Enwave Seattle facility that supplies heating to Seattle Central College. CHS wrote here about the steam system — formerly known as Seattle Steam Company — still active below the streets of the city.
Attendees of Saturday’s open house perused the design plans while sampling goodies from the Neighborhood Farmer’s Market Association, Ripe Catering/Pel’Meni Dumpling Tzar, Rachel’s Ginger Beer, and Joe Bar.
Meanwhile, the $1.8 billion light rail extension connecting downtown to the University of Washington under Capitol Hill is expected to open for service by early 2016. Sound Transit forecasts that by 2030, there will be 14,000 boardings a day at Capitol Hill Station. The transit oriented development around the station on Broadway will add around 400 apartments to the site.
A dog swimming pool? Humans, humans, humans…. (shakes head)
Might as well request a dog dryer to dry the dogs before they go back into the building and a maid staff to make sure the hallways are clean because of the residents who bypass the dog dryer.
Hey, at least my dog knows how to spell the name of this here hill. So maybe that deserves a pool?
[…] details on Capitol Hill Station development, as the developer met the public and community groups last Saturday. (Capitol Hill […]
[…] ground, the process to develop the sites around the Broadway light rail site with a mix of affordable and market-rate apartments, a community plaza, and commercial space — incl… is underway and planners are adjusting bus routes in anticipation of the new transit service […]
[…] ground, the process to develop the sites around the Broadway light rail site with a mix of affordable and market-rate apartments, a community plaza, and commercial space — incl… is underway. Portland-based Gerding Edlen will lead the development planned to meet community […]
[…] the Capitol Hill Station housing and retail project. Developer Gerding Edlen, which recently held a community open house to show off its early design plans, is in the process of selecting a nonprofit housing […]
[…] for developing core areas of the Central District. It is similar to the process that lead to the development plan for Broadway’s Capitol Hill Station. You can read more about it on the city’s 23rd Ave […]
[…] of a 16-story apartment development. And developers say a “Portland-based grocer” is in talks to become the anchor retail tenant in the development surrounding Capitol Hill […]
[…] home. Across the street, development planning is underway to create Capitol Hill Station’s housing and The Market Hall commercial project along with affordable apartments. Now it’s time to fill in the pieces around it. […]
[…] what we’re building above Capitol Hill […]
[…] Wells helped lead the push for community priorities like affordable housing in the planning for the development surrounding the about to open Broadway light rail station. In the letter accompanying the announcement, […]
[…] with the Capitol Hill Champion group to forge a set a community priorities for the new light rail station was one the deepest and longest community engagement processes CHH has participated in to […]
[…] developer of the Capitol Hill Station housing/retail/community space project, promised to include a daycare with subsidized rates as part of its winning proposal unveiled earlier this year. At the time, Gerding said it was […]
[…] planning and funding votes on the U-Link light rail line, including giving final approval to the Capitol Hill Station housing and retail plans submitted by developer Gerding Edlen. The board also identified projects on the docket for Sound […]
[…] discussions with site developer Gerding Edlin about including a plan for senior housing in the transit oriented development planned for the land around Capitol Hill […]
[…] ground, the process to develop the sites around Capitol Hill Station with a mix of affordable and market-rate apartments, a community plaza, and commercial space — includin… is underway. Portland-based Gerding Edlen is leading the development planned to meet […]
[…] year developer (and fellow Portlander) Gerding Edlen said they were in talks with a northwest-based grocer interested in expanding to Seattle to become the anchor tenant to the “transit orientated […]