(Image: Nue via Vimeo)
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- 14th Ave theft suspect caught on video: The employees at Nue restaurant swung into action Tuesday night after a suspected thief attempted to return to the scene and allegedly make off with an even larger prize. Here’s the video and details posted by Nue about Tuesday night’s caper:
Okay, maybe I had a little too much fun doing this but we caught our first crook! Last night a woman came into Nue, ordered a Coke and some food, sat around for a bit and then darted out with a stolen purse, cellphone, keys to the restaurant, our house and our car! A while later she returned to the ‘scene’ trying to figure out which car the key fob worked on in order to steal that too. Butterfingers accidentally hit the ‘Alarm’ button at which point our bartender and kitchen crew hopped off the line, chased her down for a tackle and a full recovery of the goods before the police arrived.
The cops asked if I had any video footage and just couldn’t resist the urge to put together a ‘case’. Lessons learned: 1: Stealing is wrong, 2: NEVER return to the scene and 3: Nue has some bad ass staff. Footnote: We never did get paid for the Coke :(
Police responded to the area around 9:30 PM to a report that three or four people were holding a woman down on the pavement near 14th and Madison. She had apparently waited around two hours after the purse theft to return to the area. The suspect was taken into custody but we don’t more about any charges at this point. There were no reported injuries.
- Crime drop? SPD is touting a “16%” drop in crime since last August’s implementation of the SeaStat predictive crime analysis program. We asked SPD for a comparison to the same period in the previous year but the department said changing methodologies makes such an analysis difficult.
Good news for people who love good news: since we began #Seastat in August, crime has declined 16% citywide: http://t.co/b5m5j6XNFj
— Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) May 27, 2015
- Crime wave updates: There is little to report in the wake of a spike in street robberies last week including the incident near Summit and Howell in which a victim and one of the alleged suspects were shot. In the May 23rd shooting, police say the victim is recovering after being shot in the leg but that the suspected accomplice in the crime has not yet been arrested while he recuperates from his gunshot wound. A search for the other suspects continues. Meanwhile, the 18-year-old arrested by police following an early Sunday morning cell phone robbery and beating in the Harvard Market parking lot has not yet been charged. Finally, we also need to follow up with the county to learn more about charges for the five juveniles arrested in a May 20th armed robbery on the east edge of Cal Anderson.
- Anti-bias crime program launches: SPD is rolling out its Safe Place program with decals and training for area businesses to help provide safe locations for victims of anti-LGBTQ street violence and hate crimes.
I love it! Good job Nue! I hope we start doing more and publishing information so the community knows and can identify the shady people in our neighborhood.