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CHS Pics | A First Hill streetcar pulls in from Czech Republic

Thanks to reader Ed Nelson for the picture

Thanks to reader Ed Nelson for the picture

The SDOT director’s plans for Czech travels to untangle manufacturing problems has apparently paid off. The ship has come in.

CHS reader Ed Nelson sent this picture from the Saturday morning delivery at 14th and Main of what appears to be one of the six trams slated to serve the First Hill Streetcar line between Pioneer Square and Capitol Hill. Three of the six trains have been undergoing final assembly in Seattle, while three others remained in the Czech Republic. According to SDOT, production in Europe was on hold until assembly and testing finished in Seattle.

In recent weeks, the Maltese vehicle carrier MV Tiger had been en route to Seattle from Europe with the valuable cargo. Fortunately, the West Coast port slowdown won’t apparently add to the already delayed streetcar route which still doesn’t have an official start date and isn’t planned to be ready before late this summer at earliest.

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Joseph Singer
Joseph Singer
10 years ago

Maybe this is an elementary question, but are “street cars” and “trams” the same thing just different terminology? I notice the street cars in use in SLU are made by Siemens the same as the new trams in Amsterdam and they look identical.

This sort of answers it but wondered what the local take on it is.


[…] that would put that line on track for a start of service this summer. One of the due streetcars finally arrived last week. An update about the streetcar line connecting Pioneer Square to Broadway via First Hill […]


[…] saw SDOT negotiating a new deal with new penalties for further delays.The first car in the contract has already been delivered. According to the presentation, the sixth and final car in the deal is due by June 30th. The […]