CHS Calendar — PRIDE | EDITOR’S PICKS | ALL EVENTS | ADD EVENTS FEATURED EVENTS Advertise With UsMar 22 - Mar 29Dispersed: The Womxn of Region SixLangston Hughes Performing Arts InstituteMar 13 Light & Shadow: Art Show at PassablePassable0 Selected Categories|All EventsLoading...Enter Search Term Above or Select Category BelowTimeLoading...List ViewParagraph ViewTile ViewMap View My Account Log In Log Out Add EventWednesday, Mar 05JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 2324252627281234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303112345LocationWithin 2 milesAny13510152025355075100150975.4375Bébé and MeFrench American School of Puget Sound: Seattle - Capitol Hill Preschool Campus | Seattle, WA 9:00 am0.6 miSmall Frye: Storytelling + ArtFrye Art Museum | Seattle, WA 10:15 am1.5 miDawn Cerny: PortmeirionFrye Art Museum | Seattle, WA 11:00 am1.5 miAs We ImaginedAMcE Creative Arts | Seattle, WA 11:00 am0.0 miTrain the Trainer: Building Trauma-Informed Coaches & EducatorsSeattle, WA 1:00 pm1.2 miSeed the Change 2025The Great Hall | Seattle, WA 6:00 pm1.5 miStar Anna + Caspian CoberlyBarboza | Seattle, WA 6:30 pm1.0 miSmoken Word Open MicMade Space | Seattle, WA 7:00 pm0.8 miChungking ExpressCentral Cinema | Seattle, WA 7:00 pm0.8 miSmile on the SinnerEl Corazon | Seattle, WA 7:30 pm1.1 miRock Band Video Game NightChop Suey | Seattle, WA 7:30 pm0.8 miCheap Laughs Open Mic @ Club Comedy Seattle (Wednesdays)Club Comedy Seattle | Seattle, WA 7:30 pm0.4 miClub Comedy Seattle Cheap Laughs Open Mic Night 3/5/2025 8:00PMClub Comedy Seattle | Seattle, WA 8:00 pm0.4 miFLAVA NIGHTQueer/Bar | Seattle, WA 8:00 pm0.9 miHUMP DAY KARAOKeThe Cuff Complex | Seattle, WA 9:00 pm0.8 miAmélieCentral Cinema | Seattle, WA 9:30 pm0.8 miMar 13Light & Shadow: Art Show at PassablePassableAlex Katz: Theater and DanceFrye Art Museum | Seattle, WA 11:00 pm1.5 miRiddim & Culture (Strictly Reggae Music)Red Lounge | Seattle, WA1.3 miThursday, Mar 06Train the Trainer: Building Trauma-Informed Coaches & EducatorsSeattle, WA 9:00 am1.2 miFree Admission at Volunteer Park ConservatoryVolunteer Park Conservatory | Seattle, WA 10:00 am0.7 miBellevue Job Fair - Bellevue Career FairHybridBellevue, WA 11:00 am1.1 miDawn Cerny: PortmeirionFrye Art Museum | Seattle, WA 11:00 am1.5 miAs We ImaginedAMcE Creative Arts | Seattle, WA 11:00 am0.0 miCozy CornerSeattle, WA 12:00 pm1.5 miEffective RTO: Putting humans at the centerSeattle, WA 3:30 pm0.4 miPowered by Next Day This Weekend Next Weekend Admin SitePrivacy PolicyTerms of Use© 2025 Share this:TweetPrintEmail