“You should sleep late man, it’s just much easier on your constitution” — I-5 Shores — Check out the live What time does your neighborhood leave for work? map here
If you’re reading this anywhere within the rectangle of dense apartments between Roy and Thomas and Broadway and I-5, please keep it down. Your bartender might be sleeping.
The most excellent Seattle Times FYI Guy has posted a new map and dataset based on the 2013 Census that shows what time of day different areas of the city start their workdays.
We assume that I-5 Shores workers rolling out of the house between noon and 4 PM are the folks that make the neighborhood — and the city’s — food, drink, and entertainment economy hum. There is a similar time of day pattern seen south of Madison around 12th Ave and Seattle U, too. Meanwhile, don’t be envious of those blocks around Stevens Elementary in Fancy Pants Capitol Hill that start their workdays a little later around 10 AM — they’re probably just cleaning up after their children.
You can check out the patterns through the day and the prime commute time in your part of Capitol Hill here.