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Blotter | Police search for 15/Alder armed robbery suspects — UPDATE

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  • 15th/Alder armed robbery: Police searched the streets and yards around Seattle University Thursday night after a reported armed robbery near 15th Ave and E Alder. CHS is working to confirm that at least one suspect was arrested. There were no injuries in the incident reported just after 9 PM. Suspect descriptions available via police radio were vague but police got a better look at two male suspects as they ran from officers following the robbery. A K9 unit searched for the males on foot but there were no immediate arrests. Later in the night, however, officers were working to bring a witness to a location near the robbery to identify a possible suspect. We’ll update when we learn more.
  • E Olive Way mugging: Earlier this week, CHS reported on charges in a January Broadway/Pine beating and phone robbery and rhetorically asked whether it might be the “last of the Capitol Hill phone muggings” thanks to the reported success of mobile phone “kill switch” technology. Clearly it was not. Police are investigating a Monday, February 2nd mugging on E Olive Way near Harvard in which the female victim told police she was overpowered by two male attackers:Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 9.21.50 AMThe victim said she chased the suspects as they ran on Harvard until they jumped into a navy blue car believed to be a Crown Victoria and fled the area of the 3 AM attack.
  • Broadway burglaries: Police are investigating a possible serial thief believed to be responsible for two thefts at businesses in the 200 block of Broadway E. In the most recent incident on February 8th, the suspect stole a backpack containing $500 in cash from an employee area at a restaurant:Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 9.45.54 AMIn a similar incident on February 7th, the suspect was reported to have made off with $870 from an unlocked safe.
  • E Pike fight: Police were dispatched to a report of a fight in the 1000 block of E Pike around 12:30 AM Tuesday and found this 37-year-old Australian soldier with chipped teeth:Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 9.40.42 AMScreen Shot 2015-02-13 at 9.40.47 AMPolice searched for the suspects but were not successful.
  • Golf club assault: A 62-year-old man was arrested screaming and and yelling at police after he allegedly struck and chased an E Olive Way pedestrian with a golf club:
    Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 9.31.36 AMPolice arrived and found an agitated man in the area matching the suspect description. After yelling and complaints, police say the man was taken into custody for investigation of assault.
  • UPDATE: 11/Pine bottle beating — The Stranger is reporting that former staffer and longtime Capitol Hill theater scene fixture Brett Fetzer was beaten in an attack at 11th and Pine just before 11 PM Thursday night:
    So, after seeing Zapoi! at Annex Theatre — which I highly recommend — I was walking down 11th headed to Pine and passed a guy walking the other way, who started saying incoherent but hostile things to me. I said, “I don’t understand what you said, sorry. Take care.” and kept walking. At Pine, in front of the Rhino Room, I started checking the bus app to see what was coming; then I realized the guy had followed me and was standing to my left, pointing his finger in my face and calling me “faggot” along with more incoherent speech. He seemed to think I had violent or sexual intentions towards him. I faced him and made eye contact — which may have been a mistake, but at this point I seem to be playing a prominent role in his inner life, so I suspect it wouldn’t have mattered what I did. When I started to step back and turn away, he smacked me across the left side of my face with a beer bottle. I can’t remember if I fell down — I kept my cell phone in my hand the whole time, so I don’t think I did, but I really can’t remember. There were lots of people around, someone called 911 and the police came, but the guy was gone. My teeth got jolted, there were messy but minor cuts with some dramatic blood spatters, but I’m lucky (well, lucky for a guy who got hit in the face with a beer bottle) there was nothing worse. EMTs determined I didn’t need stitches, gave me some wet naps. The cops gave me a ride home.
    So. That happened. I’m okay, I just have a big bruise across my left jaw. My teeth all seem to be in the right place.
    There are a lot of troubled people out there; be careful.
    According to police radio, officers were called to the scene and were looking for a suspect described only as a black male wearing a dark green jacket and gray sweatpants. He was last seen running westbound on E Pine. We are asking SPD for more information on the assault and whether it is being investigated as malicious harassment under the state’s hate crime statute.
    UPDATE x2: Details from the SPD report on the incident classify the attack as an “aggravated assault with weapon” investigation. One witness told police the man appeared to be homeless and was “clean shaven,” around 6’2″ and 250 pounds. The police report does not include details of what the suspect said to Fetzer during the attack, instead referring to the man’s words as “gibberish” —Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 2.00.23 PMUPDATE x3: An SPD spokesperson says the incident is not currently being investigated as a hate crime but added if the victim in any crime believes they were targeted because of bias, SPD will conduct a malicious harassment investigation.
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10 years ago

I thought golf clubs were the new peace pipe

10 years ago
Reply to  ebe

You win the internet today.

10 years ago
Reply to  ebe


10 years ago

Also heard six or 8 gunshots very close to 15/alder location at 3AM following the robbery. Two different guns alternating fire. Nothing from SPD yet about that one, or if it’s related.

10 years ago

Not related to the 11th/Pine beating but has anyone seen the guy that is maybe in his late 50’s, short around 5’6 white or possibly part native, homeless/transient that often tries to get in fights with people? He usually seems to wear sunglasses.

I saw him walking down Denny the other morning, walk up to random guy, ask him something then yell “Faggot” and push them hard.

I had an encounter with him a while back when he tried to steal my gym bottle out of my hand. lol