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Blotter | Another 15th Ave gunpoint hold-up reported

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  • Another 15th Ave robbery attempt: The female victim in yet another 15th Ave armed robbery attempt described her attacker as “fairly well dressed” and not “like someone she should be afraid of,” according to the SPD report on the early morning hold-up reported just after 2 AM last Friday.The hold-up marks the 9th robbery involving a gun in the East Precinct since mid-november and the fourth we’re aware of around 15th Ave and Volunteer Park. On November 23rd, police were able to get the license plate of a car believed to be involved in many of the reported hold-ups but there have been no arrests.
    Police are looking for information on this white Crown Victoria-style car seen here in a surveillance video image recorded during a robbery near Seattle U in November

    Police are looking for information on this white Crown Victoria-style car seen here in a surveillance video image recorded during a robbery near Seattle U in November

    The suspect descriptions have varied across the hold-ups. In one set of robberies, the suspects have been described as a team of young, black males apparently connected to the suspect vehicle. In another set, one suspect was reported to be working alone in a hold-up of one man walking to work early on the Saturday after Thanksgiving and another man making a delivery inside a nearby 15th Ave business.

    The suspect in this latest incident on December 5th cuts a different figure than the rest. “She stated he did not look like someone she should be afraid of,” the police report notes of the victim’s description of the suspect in the hold-up. The victim told police she was returning from a trip to a nearby bank when the robber made his move:Screen Shot 2014-12-10 at 9.49.13 AM

    The victim told police she screamed loudly and ran to her apartment as the suspect demanded her wallet and phone. The suspect was last seen fleeing the area on foot.

    A police K9 unit was able to track the suspect’s trail to a condo complex a few blocks away but could not find anybody matching the suspect description. There are no further physical details provided in the report. Police were planning to review video surveillance from the area. The female victim was not injured in the robbery.

  • 10th/Pine armed robbery: The victim in an early morning hold-up at 10th and Pine Monday just after 2:30 AM told police the suspects held him up for $300 in a knifepoint robbery. Police arrived within minutes of the call as witnesses told officers two black male suspects in their teens or early 20s  and wearing black jackets were seen fleeing on Nagle, into Cal Anderson and evading arriving police by running through nearby construction before running across Broadway and disappearing on Harvard. A search of the area was not successful. We are not aware of any injuries to the victim in the incident.Police say emphasis patrols started around Pike/Pine and Cal Anderson to quell a late summer street crime spike have continued. CHS last looked at robbery stats for the area in early November.
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Keep the Hill Safe
Keep the Hill Safe
10 years ago

I saw this Crown Vic just last night heading north (at a snail’s pace) on 16th while jogging. I immediately recognized it, (thanks, CHS) tried to tail it for a bit, but other cars pulled out behind it. At least three people riding in it.

It was suuper suspicious with how slowly they drove–after they blew past an open on-street parking space I ruled out that possibility (we all look creepy looking for street parking). I told security guard at Group Health, but not sure if he radioed a squad car (per my request). Here’s hoping that police can pull them in for questioning ASAP.
10 years ago

Next time call the police. Security guards have no quicker route to the PD than you do..unless you didn’t have your phone with you.

Keep the Hill Safe
Keep the Hill Safe
10 years ago

No phone, and intake staff was super busy.

10 years ago

God, it’s incredibly frustrating to read that so many residents have seen this car prowling the same neighborhood, yet the cops just can’t seem to catch them. Given their track record of being miraculously able to solve crimes only after they’ve received negative press for not doing so (as in the cases of Danny Westneat and the girl whose butt was grabbed downtown), I’m incredibly skeptical of their efforts.

10 years ago
Reply to  Maggie

The cops are all busy trying to keep protesters out of Pacific Place and I5.

10 years ago

Of course the police can’t catch these guys. They aren’t giving out $50 consensual tuggers or showing their boobies in a coffee shack.

10 years ago
Reply to  Conan

I have to laugh at your post, but the fact is, you’re right.

10 years ago

She said “he did not look like someone she should be afraid of.” WTF

10 years ago
Reply to  SMAJ

well seriously…you have to do SOME profiling to get through your day, or you’d be terrified of absolutely everybody you pass.

10 years ago

Maybe it’s time for the SPD to do “emphasis patrols” along 15th?….at least until this crime spree stops, or (preferably) the perps arrested. Come to think of it, I don’t think I have EVER seen a police officer on 15th.

10 years ago

Can’t they at least tell us if the suspect is black, white, asian, green or tall or short? If we’re going to sanitize the whole description this way, then maybe they should stop telling up the suspects gender or weapon of choice, maybe even leave out neighborhood or city. I mean, I’d hate to be accused of profiling just any ol’ male with a gun in his waistband in Seattle…….. I’m just sayin’

10 years ago
Reply to  dan

They? You mean Capitol Hill Blog or SPD? Because both indicate race when it’s known…this is not the Seattle times whom would describe 10 witness statements about teenager young black males, as “Youthful men, between 150-220lbs”. lol

The crown vic crime is listed as black suspects.

Tom Paine
Tom Paine
10 years ago

There is a relatively inexpensive simple solution to this criminal behavior plaguing our neighborhood which is to install video cameras in our public places rather than rely on what store owners and home security systems can provide police. The objection to this solution seems to be that not allowing criminals to commit crimes in public places unobserved is a violation of our civil liberties. That rationale carried to its logical conclusion would mandate outlawing video cameras in public places as well as most home and business security systems and requiring the public to wear the equivalent of horse blinders so as not to observe criminal behavior.
We ought to be taking advantage of the technology we have to protect ourselves. If there is a potential for abuse, let’s figure out how to control it rather than leave ourselves defenseless. The solution to abusive police behavior is to control the police and hold them accountable, not to do away with the police officers.


[…] to be involved in multiple cases under investigation in the area. Earlier this week, CHS reported on a swarm of street robberies in the area involving armed suspects and sometimes violent attacks including this late November hold-up in which two victims were […]