Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour overnight so you’re ready to roll Sunday morning. Why? Ask NASA:
Benjamin Franklin is credited with the concept of Daylight Saving Time. The basic idea is to make the best use of daylight hours by shifting the clock forward in the Spring and backward in the Fall.
Simple enough. Oh, by the way, with what we expect will be a massive pile of Capitol Hill Halloween photos to share, there will be no This week in Capitol Hill pictures this week. Tune in next week!
I’ve always heard Ben was just joking.
Same here – apparently he was writing a satirical essay to make fun of the French, and then through the never-ending telephone game that is history, someone came across the essay, didn’t recognize it as satire, and decided to implement it as an experiment which was largely inconclusive. Then during WW2 there was a mad rush towards energy conservation, and someone came across this experiment, saw that it was based on a Ben Franklin essay, and thought, hey, let’s do this.
That doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in the folks over at NASA.