Is that your grandma’s costume? Capitol Hill’s land of make believe was in full effect on a drier than you could have hoped and fairly well behaved coincidence of Friday night and All Hallow’s Eve. CHS visited the streets of the center of the Capitol Hill trick or treating universe just southeast of Volunteer Park as well as the nightlife zones around Pike/Pine and Broadway. We found a lot of Batmen, plenty of Els-i and some amazing — and highly appreciated efforts. We even stumbled across a local Hillebrity in full, very sly disguise. And, no, we’re not talking about a bearded Mariners outfielder. If you have pictures or funny tales to share, let us know in comments or send mail to [email protected]. Happy Hilloween 2014!
UPDATE 11/2/14: More upsetting? You didn’t notice Macklemore trick or treating on your street? Or you didn’t notice a grown ass man trick or treating by himself?
We’ve dropped all of our 2014 Hilloween pictures here on Facebook btw for your tagging and sharing delight