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Likely a few Pike/Pine phones in the pile as SPD raid of South Seattle convenience store turns up trove of stolen items

(Image: SPD)

(Image: SPD)

As one major Capitol Hill theft case comes to a close after years of investigation and legal proceedings, SPD also announced a smaller bust that might also connect with criminal activity in Pike/Pine.

Thursday, detectives raided a South Seattle convenience store and seized “boxes and boxes of suspected stolen cellphones, laptops and cameras”

Along with the more than 250 smartphones and hundreds of cameras, computers, watches and instruments found in the store – a number of which Robbery Detectives have already tied to crimes in Rainier Beach – detectives also found $13,000 in cash, boxes of untaxed cigarettes illegally imported from Vietnam, and cabinets filled with bags of Khat (a plant leaf stimulant classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule-1 controlled substance).

Detectives believe the items are connected to a surge of robberies in South Seattle this summer. But it’s also likely that items ripped off around the city made its way to the store.

In September, CHS reported on the hot crime market for stolen smartphones helping to drive another surge in robberies around Pike/Pine. At the time, we described some of the mechanics of a Pike/Pine phone robbery:

A group of teens will stake out an area and watch for an opportunity to single out one or two victims away from busy streets and passersby. They’ll attempt to take that person’s property in the easiest way possible. Sometimes, it’s simply running up and grabbing the phone or wallet. Other times, there is a confrontation and physical violence. If it comes to it, one of the group may be armed with a gun or a knife to make sure the job gets done. The line between the types of crime sometimes can be how the victim reacts. An added, thieve-y bonus: Victims are left without any means to quickly contact police.

One added element reported by witnesses and confirmed by police working in East Precinct are adults who sometimes seem to be directing the young thieves actions or providing a type of management for various types of street crimes.

SPD’s report on last week’s bust — they are asking that the Rainier Beach shop’s location not be divulged until the investigation is complete — documents a volume of goods that likely connect to crimes beyond South Seattle:

As one detective piled laptops and tablets on a small table in the middle of the shop, Sgt. Daman nodded toward a dimly lit hallway on the northeast corner of the store. “That’s just part of it. That back room’s full of more.”

“Our officers are working hard find individuals and businesses driving the crimes hurting our communities,” SPD Chief Kathleen O’Toole is quoted as saying in SPD’s announcement of the bust. “We’re going to go after anyone creating the market for stolen goods.”

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Prost Seattle
Prost Seattle
10 years ago

Well, it’s disappointing that adults are directing teens to do these crimes. It’d be nice if they mentored them in how to operate a legitimate small business and tutored them.

Eric Logan
Eric Logan
10 years ago

So if you recently had 2 laptops and 2 iPads burglarized from your house, like I did, is there a responsible way to contact the police to find out if they’re in that pile?

10 years ago
Reply to  Eric Logan

I’m with you there…

10 years ago
Reply to  Eric Logan

If you filed a police report with serial numbers of the items etc. they will contact you if something is there once they get through it all, but it takes time.

10 years ago

I recently had my apartment burglarized on early Thursday morning. Haven’t heard from a detective, but contacted all businesses that accepted my credit card from the theif. They have surveillance. I would like to get the photo out and find all of my belongings.

I don’t know of any way to contact a detective. When I went to the precinct, the officer behind the desk wasn’t very helpful either – just saying that they will contact you if they need more info… depressing.

10 years ago
Reply to  Don

They’re not so apt to make progress on crimes against an individual or household but it’s good to see they’re going after the fence! In the past I’ve tracked down the stolen goods, obtained copies of the drivers licenses used to fence, and yet no one was charged. Home owners or renters insurance are your best protections.

10 years ago

You go, SPD!

Operation sounds like a tech-d up version of Dickens, complete with someone as Fagin, i.e., the “kidsman,” Artful Dodger and others, in the fictional crew.

(per Wikipedia: in the London underworld a kidsman was an adult who recruited children and trained them as pickpockets, exchanging food and shelter for goods the children stole)

10 years ago

No doubt this is just one of many such operations in our fair city. Great work SPD.