The burgers are free. So is the parking. Tip double. It’s Labor Day.
The Volunteer Park Wading marks its final day of the 2014 season (PDF). Metro is a on a “Sunday” schedule.
In Seattle, land of the worker, we’ll begin the long march to $15/hour minimum wage in the new year. Nothing can stop us… probably:
Initiative promoter Tim Eyman is asking the restaurant and lodging industries to pony up $1.1 million for a signature blitzkrieg that would put on the ballot an initiative to repeal Seattle’s new $15-an-hour minimum wage.
If you’re feeling the need for a Labor Day rally, head to Westlake.
Labor Day Rally at Westlake Plaza to be held on Monday September 1 2014.
SEATTLE – El Comité, the May 1st Action Coalition, and social justice advocates will hold a rally in support of the 11 million plus undocumented workers in the United States as well as the various workers across the country that are struggling for dignity and respect in the workplace. Event details are as follows:
What: Labor Day Rally at Westlake Plaza.
Who: Endorsing Organizations include: El Comité, the May 1st Action Coalition, Communities for a Public Health Coalition, CASA Latina.
When: Monday September 1, 2014. The event will begin at 11:00 am, and will end at 1:00 pm.
Where: The rally will be held at Westlake Plaza, at 4th Avenue and Pike Street, downtown Seattle.
The rally at Westlake Plaza will focus on two key political demands:
1) That Obama Administration take action in deferring the deportations of the 11+ million undocumented workers and their families as well as the unaccompanied youth, some of whom have been reported to have been killed after being returned “home”.
2) An end to the cuts to the public health department. The proposed cuts will devastate services to many minority, low income, native and immigrant communities in Auburn, the Muckleshoot reservation, Federal Way, White Center, Northgate, Vashon Island and will severely limit services at Columbia City clinic.
After the rally we are planning to join the MLK Jr County Labor Council’s annual Bbq. Please join us.
Half off clothes, shoes, and some other stuff at Value Village. Today only.