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43rd District candidate Spear arrested in Seattle oil train protest

safe_image (1)Socialist Alternative challenger in the 43rd District race Jess Spear was arrested Thursday in a protest against oil trains running through Seattle.

The 32-year-old legislative candidate opposing longtime Democratic incumbent Frank Chopp was arrested along with two other protesters part of a group blocking railway tracks through downtown Seattle.

“These oil trains running right through the downtown area pose a huge risk to life and to the environment,” a statement from the candidate and climate scientist said. “Luckily, last week’s derailment did not spill any oil; but we cannot rely on luck. We cannot stand idly by while these bombs on wheels roll through Seattle.”

According to her campaign organizers, Spear and the two other arrested protesters were each held in King County Jail on $500 bail. All three were free before sundown.

In response to the arrest, House Speaker Chopp told The Stranger he is working to make progress on rail safety legislation in Olympia.

CHS profiled both candidates earlier in July:

Tuesday’s count of the August primary will be the first measure of how the candidates fare head to head as both move on to November’s final vote.

Sunday, the Vote Spear camp is planning a candidate rally for Broadway and Pine starting at 1 PM.


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10 years ago

I suspect Spear did this for campaign reasons. She knew that getting arrested would put her in the news….not only on this blog, but in the Seattle Times today. This is one way for a candidate to get noticed. Free publicity! I’m not saying she doesn’t care about the oil train issue, but I think there’s an ulterior motive going on too.

10 years ago

If she/they do not want oil trains, then she/they must be advocates for a pipeline. Maybe put it all in trucks? There has to someway to transport all that free oil to be refined into free gas for us to use.

10 years ago
Reply to  jeffw

It isn’t free, and it isn’t for us to use. It’s in transit to the refineries and China. But fossil fuels aren’t the only option. Renewable sources are cheap, clean and efficient and aren’t a limited resource.

10 years ago

I’m a proud liberal but I really hope this woman doesn’t win her election bid. Frank Chopp bores me to death but he gets my vote over this lady.

10 years ago

If she can stop bullets in cal anderson, she’ll def. get my vote!