City Arts magazine art director and Hillebrity Dan Paulus “wanted to document, as accurately as possible, the change that has swept across” Capitol Hill in the decades he has lived here. Armed with a turn-of-the-millenium architect’s map of the neighborhood, Paulus set about creating Project
2013 2014:
So I spent a weekend riding my bike up and down every street—from I-5 to 15th Ave. E and E Roy St. to E Union St.— noting any buildings that appeared to be from the early-’90s, any that I knew had been built in the past few years, and Proposed Land Use Actions for any future developments that were in the works. It was amazing to reconnect with and rediscover the neighborhood I thought I knew so well. (How long have those Hobbit cottages on the North end of Bellevue Ave. been there?)
Project 2014 is a 22-year master plan aimed at transforming the face of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood in a manner that would maximize financial potential by replacing structures deemed no longer conducive to the city’s long-term economic goals.
He writes about his alternate reality creation that reimagines the piecemeal redevelopment of the Hill as some sort of master plan and name-drops a few Capitol Hill haunts past here — Proposed Land Use Action. “To report errors or order your own print,” the article notes, “contact [email protected].”
Awesome–this is exactly the kind OCD-fueled art project that I can get behind.
Pretty cool and I appreciate the attention to detail.
I’ve walked most of the hill but without any rigor or discipline. Now I want to walk every block of our neighborhood!
I’m actually surprised there wasn’t more building turnover over 22 years.
Highly informative. Excellent work. Many thanks for the considerable time and effort you invested in this project, Mr. Paulus.