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Broadway bank held up in reported armed robbery — UPDATE: Suspect photos

photo (36)Police are looking for an armed man who held up the Capitol Hill branch of Homestreet Bank Monday morning.

According to police radio dispatches, the suspect entered the bank in the 700 block of Broadway E around 9:30 AM in the hold-up. He was reportedly armed with an “old revolver.”

The suspect was described as a black male in his 30s, around 6′ with a medium build, and wearing a red jacket, blue ball cap, blue jeans and black plastic, square-framed sunglasses. He left on foot headed northbound from the north Broadway bank. The suspect’s red jacket was found discarded outside the bank.

There were no reported injuries.

UPDATE 1 PM: SPD has posted a brief and photos of the suspect —

A man wearing a red jacket and brandishing a handgun robbed a Capitol Hill bank this morning.

The suspect, who appeared to be in his 20s or 30s, walked into the Homestreet bank in the 700 block of Broadway East, displayed a gun and demanded money. Seattle police officers arrived within minutes, but the suspect had fled, ditching the jacket he was wearing.

Robbery detectives and a K9 unit responded and are searching for the man. If you know the suspect, or have any helpful information, please call 206-684-5535. The man is armed, so if you see him call 911 immediately.

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10 years ago

This is NOT an amusing occurrence by any stretch of the imagination but I think you might want to proof the above report. It reads that the suspect is 6″ tall. Um . . . are the Lilliputians getting hard-up for cash? :)

10 years ago

That is a giant fucking gun!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Brian

Seriously, is Jack Nicholson’s Joker missing his rod?

10 years ago
Reply to  Brian

It’s been a long time since I paid any attention to pistols, but I do recall from back in the 80’s the 357 having different barrel lengths up to 10″-12″

10 years ago

This is becoming the most favored bank to rob around here.

10 years ago

With the number of cops who are always hanging out at Roy Street Coffee just around the corner in the same building, I’m not surprised that the police were able to arrive in minutes. I’m not too happy about the vicious police dog that the police handler was having a difficult time controlling in the neighborhood while they were trying to find the bank robber.

10 years ago
Reply to  Curious

+1 about the dog! Plus, the officers were publicly displaying firearms on their belts, which is NOT the kind-of vibe I want in Capitol Hill. Is there a way they can have some kind of shroud or other covering to conceal their firearms if they insist on carrying them when chasing robbers? And the lights on their cars – I am photo-sensitive and seeing police lights gives me a minor headache for a few minutes. One idea I had was they could replace the lights with reflective, sequin-studded streamers which would get attention but also not annoy those of us who DO NOT appreciate light pollution. And don’t get me started on their gas-guzzling cars. Sheesh.

10 years ago
Reply to  Max

I’m with Mad Max on this. They should set a good example and use bike patrols (and please stay in the bike lanes for god’s sake).

10 years ago
Reply to  Max

Also do you realize they’re wearing the exact same uniforms on Capitol Hill as they wear in Magnolia and West Seattle? They seem to have no sense of place or how to fit in appropriately.

haha, ok I can’t pretend to be serious any more, someone might believe me.

10 years ago
Reply to  Max

: Can I assume that your comment is satirical? I sure hope so!

John Smith
John Smith
10 years ago
Reply to  Curious

What do you think would be appropriate for a police dog? A nice, friendly, wriggling-in-joy miniature Dachshund?

10 years ago
Reply to  Curious

Let me be sure I have this right. A dangerous criminal who is armed with a gun, and has just robbed a bank, was in your neighborhood, and you were concerned about a police dog?

10 years ago

Finally, we have someone who’s serious about this. No stop at the doughnut shop or lunch at Charlie’s.

10 years ago

I’m getting tired of the charge that police officers are always hanging around in coffee shops. It’s a cliché and, for the most part, just not true. Do you begrudge them a coffee break from time to time?

10 years ago
Reply to  calhoun

For that matter, seems like a good place to become approachable to the citizenry, and not a terrible place to wait for a call — coffeeshops try to be central to their neighborhoods, so, good dispatch opportunity.


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