The annual Capitol Hill Housing forum is a mix of prognostication and destiny. While the topics selected for the annual discussion of Central Seattle’s urbanist issues often augurs things to come, it comes with a strong push of self-fulfilling prophecy. The forum brings together many of the people that make things happen around Capitol Hill. Their discussion of what they’re up to and what they’re thinking sometimes isn’t predicting the future as much as revealing plans.
The 2014 edition — next Tuesday, May 20th — then is a guarantee that the arts will play a more significant role around Capitol Hill and the central city in the years ahead. With fall 2014’s due date for CHH’s 12th Ave Arts project, a bet on the arts is probably a good one:
Community Forum: Launching a Capitol Hill Arts District
Tuesday, May 20th, 5 PMOddfellows West Hall
Register Here
Join Capitol Hill Housing for a lively discussion about starting an arts district on Capitol Hill.Introduction by Councilmember Nick Licata
Special presentation by Greg Esser of the Roosevelt Row Arts District in Phoenix, AZ
Conversation moderated by Andy Fife, Seattle arts innovator, and a distinguished panel of guests, including:
Andy Fife
Tonya Lockyer
Jason Plourde
Seth Garrison, ‘Mo-Wave!
Matthew Richter
Cathryn Vandenbrink, ArtsSpace USA
Lesley Bain, FrameworksRefreshments and opportunity to socialize. And amazing food from Jemil’s Big Easy.
CHS wrote here about a possible Capitol Hill arts district in late 2013. Our coverage of last year’s CHH forum is here.
Meanwhile, an effort to catalog the city’s cultural spaces showed 28 venues around Capitol Hill as of the early 2014 count.
[…] The 10th and Pine building is now at the geographic (and figurative) heart of a proposed arts district on Capitol Hill. Artists and arts leaders will converge at the building on Tuesday to discuss the practical steps towards creating such a district at Capitol Hill Housing’s annual neighborhood forum. […]