If you were around Capitol Hill on Easter Sunday afternoon and it seemed like church let out for dozens of fashionable Pike/Pine worshippers, it did. Pastor Kaleb’s annual Easter Sunday service draws a well-dressed crowd. Here’s what the Stranger tells you about the Capitol Hill preacher:
Pastor Kaleb gave his first official service in the streets during Seattle’s WTO protests in 1999. A carpenter by trade (naturally), he and a friend built two coffins (two adult-sized, one child-sized) using spare plywood from a job site and led a procession through the tear-gassy, chaotic, screaming melee that would eventually force journalists and the general public to ask, for the first time in a long time, why anyone would oppose an organization like the WTO.
This Sunday at the Century Ballroom was Kaleb’s 15th year addressing the flock.
Check out some more pics from inside the Easter service: