Now that this guy has finally moved out, the corner of E Pike and Summit is being kept busy with a new retail pop-up:
Closed Circuit Shop: an uninterrupted path of flow, a concept shop at Love City Love
A sensory experience of artful shopping featuring designers Rachel Ravitch, Aleksandra Pollner, Et cetera, Oddinary, Ladies & Gentlemen, Faris, Mia Fioravanti, Kimberly Baker, April Pride, Lu, Gender by Ole Severson and curated products from Cairo, Prism & Nest.
This is Love City Love’s first concept shop in its new home across from Sun Liquor at Pike & Summit. We’ve created a shoppable installation of locally crafted objects & goods.
The installation stems from past and present observation of flow in the digital age and the direction it has propelled us in : towards craft, mindfulness, focus, collectivity, a longing for authenticity and new application of technology.
Things to look forward to: an indoor zen garden, a toast wall, Art by the Love City Love Crew, aromas by Blackbird, apparel, home wear & accessories.
Shop Hours are Saturday 11 to 7:30 and weekdays by Appointment. For appointments email [email protected]
You can learn more on the Lovecitylove Facebook page.