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CHS Pics | E Madison performance a start to community garden outside Capitol Hill 7-11?

IMG_7131Before Friday’s snowy morning, there was another peculiar sight along E Madison.

Thursday night, a group — who tells CHS they plan to turn the parking strip adjacent the E Madison 7-11 into a community garden — gathered with a jury-rigged speaker and lighting set-up to dance and turn the soil in one of the more unique performances set to Chopin’s Nocturnes you might ever witness.

CHS stopped by to see the show. We’ll be checking in on the garden project as it progresses and look forward to Chopin up some freshly grown E Madison vegetables. Happy Solstice!

You’ll definitely dig what’s happening in that area shortly. CHS reported earlier this year on a project to dig up and swap out the massive fuel tanks under the 7-11 property. We’re told that project is slated to begin next month.




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Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor
11 years ago

Surprisingly, the parking strip already gets tended. Over the last couple of years I’ve occasionally noticed an old Sikh man tending the little triangular parking strip (where the 2 streets meet) that’s at the back of the 7-11, right across from the co-op.
It has low wooden fences and is a low-key little joy on that busy street:

11 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Taylor

you’re right! He has seemed happy about the prospect of adding people to the space. I made sure to talk with him beforehand, and have run into him once or twice while I’ve been there. Very friendly, interested.

The next few weeks of work should see the place looking cleaner, after having collected leaves from Fall for compost. By then we can plan a community event and have more people join in.