Golden Space — Band |
How did you start playing together and what’s the collaborative process like now?
Loren: Well I had been stewing on this idea for a couple of years. Mostly it’s a narrative about a person who wakes up one morning and finds that their body has been transformed into that of a sea creature. Initially in my head, I saw it as a score to a film.
Ava: So she had been sketching out songs for a while and came to me one night when we were both at a dance party. She had seen me play in another band a few years before at the Comet and knew I played keyboards and basically asked if I wanted to help her flesh out this project.
L: So we worked together on all these little skeletons of songs, some fully formed and some just bones, and transformed them into what they are now.
A: These days, our collaborative process is funny. Songs just sort of start to exist. Sometimes one of us will have an idea, or a phrase stuck in our head, or a few notes, but then the song just shows up and introduces itself to us.
Do all the songs generally fit in or follow that same storyline?
L: Yeah, they all fit in there somewhere. It’s all about making this huge journey, so you’ll see a lot of the same imagery throughout the songs. A lot of water, travel, being in a boat. Actually, one time, Ava was asked to describe our music to someone.
A: I had just woken up from a nap, and you know how a brain is then. Pretty wonky. A barista had asked me what kind of music my band played, and it just sprang out. “We’re a tiny boat in a big river.”
L: Which really sums it up. We’re a tiny boat in a big river.
Golden Space performs at the event T/OUR: a platform for queer literary and artistic collaborations Thursday, October 17th at Vermillion.
Previously on Hillebrity
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