9/11 on Capitol Hill means the annual return of Seattle Stand Down to offer services, support and, yes, even fresh socks to homeless veterans.
CHS reported on the annual event hosted at Seattle Central earlier this summer. “They’re put out to pasture and they’re like ‘what do I do now?’” volunteer and Derek Mapes told us about the challenges his fellow veterans face when leaving the armed services.
Wednesday, dozens of organizations gathered to provide services and goods like backpacks and bedrolls to attendees. Some received complimentary haircuts thanks to cosmetology students, others enjoyed a lunch service.
Organizers expected to serve more than 400 people on the day. You can learn more and find out how to help at theseattlestanddown.org.
More pictures below.
There should be no such thing as a homeless veteran.
Homeless Veterans are a growing MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR A YEAR INDUSTRY; the Poverty Pimps like keep the veterans homeless.
Absolutely NO HOUSING or IMMEDIATE LIVING-WAGE JOBS were offered to the homeless veterans; all the homeless veterans left the Seattle Stand down STILL HOMELESS & UNEMPLOYED.
Glad to see they are getting some help!