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Blotter | Two E Precinct cops battle ‘superhuman’ suspect in Capitol Hill arrest

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  • ‘Excited delirium’ arrest: Two East Precinct officers found themselves going toe to toe with a suspect exhibiting “superhuman strength” and making “animal noises” Friday night near 11th and Union. According to the SPD report on the 11 PM incident, the officers were on patrol in the area when a witness flagged them down to tell police about a bizarre-acting male in the area. The officers arrived in time to see the suspect take a swing at a couple as they walked on E Union. As the officers intervened, the suspect reportedly took up a fighting stance and began taking swings at the police. “[The suspect] exhibited superhuman strength and endurance as he continued his violent struggle with the officers,” the report documents:Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at 10.35.46 AMThe suspect was taken into custody and was slated to be arraigned Monday morning on misdemeanor assault charges. Over the weekend, a judge ruled the suspect, wanted on an escape warrant, should remain in jail on an increased bail of $50,000. The 31-year-old has an extensive criminal record mostly in Cowlitz County where he was most recently convicted on drug charges.One officer suffered a sore right knee and a cut on his right hand while the second officer suffered a bruised right hand, according to SPD.
  • Booze booster escapes — for now: Police tried to chase down a drugstore liquor thief in the 1400 block of Broadway Saturday night around 5 PM but apparently were unable to keep track of the man who reportedly used the Harvard Market elevator as part of his escape with a bottle of vodka. The shopping center, including the elevator, is mostly under video surveillance so police were most likely able to get a pretty good look at the thief.
  • Pyro early morning wake-ups continue: On one hand, we’re glad not to be reporting on pistol-point street hold-ups. On the other, amateur pyrotechnics at 3:45 AM in the middle of the city aren’t any fun unless you’re the one doing it. Tweeter below sums it up. SPD, by the way, confirmed that the booms were, indeed, fireworks. Again.Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at 10.55.31 AM
  • Tip jar robbery: Pike at 14th coffee shop Porchlight suffered a tip jar grab over the weekend. Stop by and drop a little change in the jar?Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at 10.53.20 AM
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11 years ago

I don’t even bother to call the cops but very loud and apparently very large fireworks are a frequent bother late at night in the neighborhood. It’s very unsettling and I wish they’d stop.

11 years ago

Sounds like contestant number 1 found some bath salts or something else equally anti social to ingest. Thankfully people had the sense to call the cops instead of just ignore this guy.

11 years ago

Perhaps just start epoxying tip jars down. Some places also use the trick of putting a dowel in the jar so someone who grabs and runs will most likely get a hold of the dowel which slows them down.