The Seattle Times isn’t the only major Seattle media outlet making changes to the way you pay (or don’t pay) for news:
“On April 3, your $1 newspaper will go the way of the $4 movie ticket, the 95-cent gallon of gas and the 85-cent Metro bus fare.”
Real Change papers have been marked up 100% starting this month. It will cost you another $1 — or you can look at it as having 2x the opportunity to support a worthy organization.
“Most of us understand that selling Real Change isn’t begging, and it isn’t asking for charity,” says Real Change’s Tim Harris in a free, online article. “It’s a job. Our vendors sell a quality newspaper that people want, and they are out in all kinds of weather, connecting to their customers.”
Change happens slowly for media outlets trying to thrive, but it’s the vendors who could notice a real change in their lives. The new $2 price tag will allow the 300 low-income and homeless vendors working for Real Change to earn a wage of $9 to $10 an hour, Harris says.
“(Currently) vendors buy this paper for 35 cents and sell it for a dollar,” according to Harris. “On a straight, no-tip transaction, they’ll make 65 cents. The new price of $2, with vendors paying 60 cents for each paper, means each paper sold nets the vendor a solid $1.40.”
Real Change will continue to offer its news online for free.
Money well-spent!
Is this some sort of evil April fools joke?
I believe this is a picture of Robert Hanson, RIP. A longtime vendor in the south end who passed a couple of years ago.
Her was a very sweet man and a fixture at the Seward Park PCC.
Looks like I’ll be canceling my subscription to this newspaper as well!
The vendor outside the Bway/Pike QFC has been doing a great job of letting people know about this for the last several weeks. Nice that they are doing outreach.
I will pay $2 for it. At least the vendors selling it are making a pro active effort to get back on track with their lives. I support their effort to do so, we can all afford to pay an extra dollah.
I will never have a problem handing an extra dollar for the vendor downtown who yells “GOOD MORNING YOUNG MAN! GOOD MORNING YOUNG LADY!” to sell his papers.