I would seriously pay cash $money to find out what sick jerk has been capturing pigeons, tying/binding up one of their feet with thread, and then letting them go. I saw this phenomenon last autumn, several hobbling pigeons near Broadway and Pine that had one foot tied up with dark blue thread. Eventually the foot gets infected and I assume that the bird winds up dying in pain. This is disgusting.
Today I saw the same thing near Seattle Center. One of the students at Seattle Central Community College told me that she has heard through the grapevine of a man who does this, that he sleeps in the parks and happens to be homeless. I have no idea if this is true or not. I do know it is difficult to catch a pigeon.
I know that some people hate pigeons, but this is still a living creature whom someone is torturing! Besides, if he is doing this to birds, what is he doing to other people? If anyone sees anything or hears anything about this, please post here. I would like to give this fellow a piece of my mind and also take his picture to show to the cops.