A Tuesday night fight inside Capitol Hill bar The Redwood earlier this month landed a man in jail — and sheds light on a group known as Hate City, a “a social group” whose members frequent the Pike/Pine area, wear matching jackets and “skateboard together.”
According to the SPD report on the April 2nd incident, police were called to the Redwood just before midnight after a man was punched in the head by a Hate City member. The victim told police he had been previously assaulted by the Hate City group near its E Pike hangout the Comet including two incidents documented by police last summer.
The night of the 2nd, the victim told police he was sitting inside The Redwood when the suspect walked up to him, asked his name and then punched him in the side of the face, knocking him off his barstool before fleeing.
One of the victim’s companions described the alleged attacker and other members of Hate City including a “ring-leader” to police who found the group near Broadway and Pine about an hour later.
Police say the suspect was found with the group and told officers that he had been sent inside The Redwood to tell the victim “he shouldn’t be around here.”
Police say the man identified as Hate City’s leader also told them the same story — minus the part where he reportedly told the suspect to talk with the victim. The report on the incident doesn’t include details about the genesis of the issues between the group and the victim.
The suspect was arrested and booked into jail. Police also found he had a $10,000 warrant related to a 2004 domestic violence case. 37-year-old Brandon Carr pleaded not guilty to the bar assault last week. A pre-trial hearing is slated for later this month. He’ll also be in court for the warrant stemming from his failure to appear at a domestic violence review hearing related to the 2004 case.
Is this what happens to juggalos when they grow up?
OMG 37 years old? I was reading this thinking it was someone barely old enough to be in a bar. Way too old to be in a gang of skater boys. Grow up, Get a job. Be something else.
Sounds more like an assault than a fight
Wow! Sucker punch a guy then run away? How brave! Let me know when his testicles finally descend.
When in doubt, knock ’em out!
A bunch of old white hipsters I assume? The Redwood kind of points in that direction.
After moving to a city with a real serious gang problem, I have to say that this just makes me incredibly angry. While you are pretending to be a gang, because your white privileged ass has nothing better to do, young men are dying all over the country because of gang affiliation. Your fantasy is sickening and frankly very annoying.
This is what happens because of gang violence: http://missionlocal.org/2013/04/remembering-jacob-valdiviezo-a-community-rallies/
These guys are not cool – at all.
so your not from Seattle, you seem to have little knowledge of Seattle history, but you feel completely welcome to add social commentary on race, class, and social organization in the Seattle area. Don’t you think that’s kind of retarded?
I am from Seattle, and have been following this blog since 2009. I now live in a different city (Wow, weird! People move!) I know a great deal about the city/state history (it was a required class in school, even). I know a great deal about seattle politics, culture, and class relations. So yep, I can talk a lot about my home, and how sad it is that there are people like this.
This just makes Seattle look bad. Hipsters pretending to be gang members is a great big punch in the face to the people who actually have gang problems (i.e. gang members, minority youth). I can also comment on this, because I work in this field in SF. “Hate City” is a great example of white privilege. “Hey, we don’t actually have it that bad. Let’s romanticize something not great (see: most hipster trends) and think we are bad-ass.”
Also in case you were wondering, Seattle doesn’t have a huge crime problem. It’s a relatively safe place. I know you probably don’t have too good of a grasp on the state of the city or culture that you are part of (see: your use of the word “retarded.”). The CD is not a bad place to live. Rainier Valley is not a bad place to live. Any other place where you probably warn people to go isn’t a bad place to live. What you’re missing is that there really IS a lot of class inequity in Seattle (see: SE Seattle schools being underfunded and thus underperforming) and that this “Hate City” group is just a nice middle finger to residents in those lower income neighborhoods. “We pick fights at THE REDWOOD and skateboard together. Your kids can’t get a good education because of chronic negligence on the behald of Seattle Public Schools. Oh well, I’m gonna go do some coke in my Capitol Hill studio and watch my ex-girlfriend’s netflix until I come down.”
Thanks buddy.
what you seem to be missing is that hate city is a punk crew, and has little or nothing to do with the gang culture your referencing. They are an artifact of the legacy of punk culture and class on capitol as the neighborhood was, before its transition to the mostly annoying present cultural ghetto of yuppies and nimby’s. Capitol hill, and most other affluent seattle neighborhoods, today are dominated by the attitudes, misconceptions, and assumptions of mostly middles class white people and some middle class people of color. It would be hard to relegate these qualities to the neighborhood when hate city formed, some 20 years ago.
Your response to this one minute event was typically characteristic of commentary on these neighborhood blogs: reactionary, assumptive, and full of misplaced ridicule. It’s ridiculous to try to define a contrast between Seattle and San Fransisco, just like it would be ridiculous to look for comparisons between NOLA and NYC. These cities are all located in geographically distant and historically distinct corners. It’s even more paternalistic to argue that white privilege and mimicry of gang culture are related to why a group of people who listen to the same music, live in the same neighborhood, and wear matching jackets decide to socialize together.
And yes, your line of thinking is “retarded” by your avoidance of any form of logic.
Let me see if I’m understanding this correctly:
These guys call themselves Hate City, they wear matching clothes, they seem to have some sort of an initiation process for new members, they have clearly defined turf, they mark their turf with graffiti, and they’ve taken to threatening people who invade their turf – but they’re not a “gang”, they’re a “social group”… Am I missing something?
They’re white, white people don’t join gangs!
“37-year-old Brandon Carr”
That’s hilarious. Try not to break a hip riding your board gramps.
This made me legit LOL. Bravo.
Hate City has been around for like twenty years, sad to see those turds never moved on with their lives. Total former skinheads who adopted the “punk greaser” look when the baldhead look wasn’t getting them laid. I too have had runs ins with these guys, and they pretty much act like a gang. An old, pathetic, pointless, mostly harmless gang with racist skinhead ties.
I worked a bar that they all hung out at many years ago. I know those assholes all too well. Those pricks in Hate City could never hack it in a fair fight. A sucker punch or a 4 on 1 fight is all these pussies know. The bar I work at now will not serve them and we have zero Hate City problems. Maybe if the Redwood had a similar policy…
What are the racial ties these guys carry? Like are they actually racist, sport swastikas etc…or do they just have the same aesthetic as skinheads? I’ve strangely never seen any of these guys around the hill in all my time living in Seattle. I’m surprised they even exist!
Late 30’s guys in matching outfits, riding kid’s toys and preaching generalized hate, is surely a sign of clever leadership. Their thinktank has run out of brain cells. They should rename themselves Patheticville.
I would LOVE for the writer who wrote this to throw an interview with these kids or “hate city” get a few real details, and actually know the neighborhood you speak of. Until then, put the pen down.
Let the owners of the bars they hang out in that you won’t come back as long as these puddles of mud are there. Not the fairest to the establishment but it will deliver the message that no one will spend time where immature cads are welcomed. 37 years old……kidding, right?
Please all of you who have anything to say about us as a club or as individuals, come to the comet and introduce yourself to anyone in hate city colors. If you’re polite in the slightest I bet you’ll have a good night.
TN, I’ll be in touch. I’m interested to learn more.
Considering the racial make up of Hate City, I would hardly call them a racist group or even a group with racist ties. Last time I checked East Indians, Blacks, and Jewish guys were pretty high up on the list of people racist skinheads tend to hate.
Get your facts straight about things before you start writing comments like it’s the gospel. How many bar fights happen per night in bars on the hill? The only reason why this is even an issue is that it happened, then got reported due to this site needing some sort of sensationalized bullshit to write about.
I don’t understand why there’s a need to defend the group while slamming what we do here. The incident happened, then the arrest, then the police report. We report on the details including the Hate City element documented by police. Do I not include that element? Not report the story?
Anyone who knows these people “hate city” know that they are a nuisance and liability not only to the Comet Tavern but to any establishment. At first glance they might seem welcoming but they are a violent, womanizing (domestic violence, and they will punch a girl) homophobic want-to-be biker gang who make hot dogs and claim to be tight with the hells angels. This kind of lifestyle is anything other than respectable or meaningful. looks like they watch to much tv. Grow up and get a life and real jobs before someone bigger and meaner comes along . . .
How is hate city punk? Punk is not violence it is anti-fascism, hate city are common bullies and criminals that are living lifestyles they watched on tv/movies. These people have been jailed for assault, domestic violence, burglaries and home invasions etc. pure scumbags.
[…] on CHS: A member of Hate City group was arrested following this assault and this Capitol Hill bartender has been charged with rape for having sex with a 13-year-old […]
Hate City fucked my girlfriend then ate all my snacks. Boo-hoo.
No, Gramps is another guy, wrong dude
I know this group well, they’re really nothing more than merry pranksters for the most part. They are not racists either. Sometimes a few of them may get out of control, usually fueled by liquor, but the picture being painted of them by most of these posts is highly inaccurate. There are racist skinheads who sometimes paid trouble-seeking visits to the Pike/Pine area, but they’re not Hate City. Some HC members are bartenders on the Hill. Not sure what Brandon got into but I’m definitely not judging him as the culprit automatically. I’ve always known him to be pretty down to earth. I think Kelley and Taylor’s posts are right on.
Maybe you could at least change the picture you included, that is not hate city artwork, and you have to admit it does cast the club in a bad light. Other than that, the article it’s self is pretty straight forward, it’s the comments that are being contested here.
Fair enough. Removing — I sent a note to your email about talking more. Let me know if there is a better way to contact you.
Um, this pic implies that the group is at least somewhat interested in race/nazism: http://www.flickr.com/photos/djwudi/8689434/