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Guilt Free Goodness bringing fresh gluten-free baked goods to Broadway

Purbaugh ready for gluten-free business (Image: Guilt Free Goodness)

Ready for gluten-free business (Image: Guilt Free Goodness)

Delivered fresh fron the hinterlands of Monroe every morning, Guilt Free Goodness gluten-free bakery is bringing its breads, cupcakes and tarts to Broadway. The new storefront tucked away inside the Broadway Alley just across from Laughing Buddha tattoo quietly opened this week.

“We have cupcakes that you wouldn’t even know,” baker and owner Dawn Purbaugh says of her gluten-free goodies so good that even people who haven’t taken the vow of gluten-free living don’t mind.

The new store celebrates its grand opening Saturday with plans for free samples and getting to know the neighborhood.

Screen shot 2013-04-11 at 4.45.27 PMPurbaugh, who hails from Monroe where the original Guilt Free Goodness bakery and cafe opened nearly two years ago, said she’s looking forward to bringing her creations to Capitol Hill.

“I’m from Monroe. But we’re never going to get to where I want to get out there,” she said.

Already, Guilt Free has picked up two Capitol Hill weddings to provide cakes and treats for.

Capitol Hill is a neighborhood ripe for such a diet sensitive venture. Open minded and usually progressive, the Hill is pretty solid at providing for people with alternative diets. Soon, Capitol Cider will bring its selections of gluten-free and gluten-sensitive food and drink to E Pike.

Meanwhile, Capitol Hill is also excited about another baked good project with Bakery Nouveau Capitol Hill only weeks from its opening at 15th and John.

Eventually, she said, Purbaugh would like to do her baking on Capitol Hill, too.

521885_442055072545751_239975102_nFor Purbaugh, starting a gluten-free focused business was much more than being part of a trend. Suffering from celiac disease as a child, Purbaugh learned as her mother tried to compensate and create snacks and treats in an era before commercial gluten-free products were widely available. After a decade as a drug court counselor, she decided to change gears and study at culinary school where, she says, having to continually taste her work made her sick — but also inspired her to learn more about cooking without gluten. When a friend said she would invest in Purbaugh’s company if she could produce a gluten-free bread, the challenge was on. The result is Guilt Free Goodness.

[mappress mapid=”34″]The result can now also be that gluten-free mini cupcake you are about to eat.

Like many entrepreneurs new to the Hill, Purbaugh says she is still sorting out the rhythms of commerce here. “We noticed business picked up later in the day,” she said — so this baker used to rising at 4 AM plans to start things a little later on Broadway. The space is too limited to do soup or sandwiches and, for now, coffee is drip only. Most customers so far are coming in for bread, Purbaugh says. Her challenge, as for others in the Broadway Alley like the new Torteria Barriga Llena, is connecting with the busy street outside.

Guilt Free Goodness Capitol Hill is located inside the Broadway Alley at 219 Broadway E and is open Wednesday through Fridays noon to 7 PM, Saturdays 10 AM to 6 PM and Sundays 10 AM to 5 PM. You can learn more at

Gluten-Free Farmers Market
A new name for the list of vendors who will be part of the 2013 Broadway Farmers Market also will make gluten-sensitive eaters happy. CHS featured the I Love My GFF cart last summer when Andrea Ramos Moore brought her mobile quinoa bowl operation to Broadway and Pike for a time. She’s still at it and often found on First Hill these days. Starting with the beginning of the farmers market season on Sunday the 21st, I Love My GFF will be back on Broadway serving food to hungry market goers.

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11 years ago

So, guilt = gluten? Isn’t that a corrupt moral equivalency? Are you saying that people who suffer from celiac disorder have guilt issues? Maybe they’re SINNERS?

Nah, just kidding. Good luck to this new business.

Dawn Purbaugh
11 years ago
Reply to  --MC

I actually name the bakery guilt free because having celiac disease I always cheated and felt self guilt or I would lie to my mom as a child.
I wanted people to walk into a totally safe environment and eat whatever they want without feeling any guilt.
Loved your take of it though. Lol
11 years ago

Hurray for the marketing of fad diets designed for a specific condition that are unlikely beneficial and possibly harmful to those without the condition. If you truly want to be guilt free, though, the breatharian diet is the way to go.

11 years ago
Reply to

A. Men.

Maggie Nowakowska
Maggie Nowakowska
11 years ago

I am so glad to have this bakery on the Hill! Now I can make sandwiches for anyone, not just me, because the bread is so damn good-tasting.

I used to bug any friends going out to Monroe to stop by and pick up 3 or 4 loaves of Really Delicious bread (croutons, rolls, cupcakes, etc) for me. I’m going to love just walking down Broadway for fresh bread and sweets. (No more having to freeze loaves so I don’t run out — although Dawn’s bread freezes beautifully.)

Dawn Purbaugh
11 years ago

Thank u so much. We love you!!

11 years ago

this is awesome news! i am so stoked to check this place out!

11 years ago

This is really exciting! My 10-yr old daughter has celiac disease and I can’t wait to take her to try this place out!

11 years ago

Not sure what to think. I’ve read gluten free foods are actually very high glycemic, aka they spike your blood sugar. Not good a food option for those worried about diabetes which should be all of us.

11 years ago
Reply to  Manny

It really depends on what flour is being used. It’s not like “gluten free” is a flour itself.

For instance, I don’t eat a lot of bread because I don’t like consumming the simple carbs. But almond flour bread is a really great substitute for that. And that will not spike your blood sugar.

11 years ago
Reply to  Manny

In our gluten-free household (due to my daughter’s celiac disease), at first we did find ourselves eating lots of gluten-free processed foods that were indeed very sugary and not very good for you. But now that it’s been a few years, we’ve figured out that the best way to eat gluten free is to generally eat foods that are already gluten free to begin with (sushi, mexican food with corn tortillas, vietnamese food, etc) rather than to try to eat the gluten free version of foods that normally have gluten in them (bread, cake, italian food, etc). That said, it can be great to have a bakery to go to where you can get a treat now and then. Flying Apron in Fremont is great, and I’m now looking forward to checking out this place.

Gerry McFelchshake
Gerry McFelchshake
11 years ago

Very cool and clever looking store sign.

Maybe this will finally show those highfaultin gluten gluttons that there’s a better way to live.

11 years ago

Yay, I can’t wait to try it! I’m so glad to have more safe food options on the Hill where my celiac daughter and I can eat. Good gluten-free bread is hard to find!


[…] you missed, CHS had news of this new gluten-free bakeshop on Broadway. Check out Guilt Free Goodness […]


[…] Free Goodness — April: “Purbaugh, who hails from Monroe where the original Guilt Free Goodness bakery and cafe […]


[…] upswing with dedicated efforts at Capitol Cider’s gf focus and Guilt Free Goodness’s outlet on Broadway joining a general direction away from the gluten end of the spectrum on many menus around the […]