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Broadway Farmers Market 2013 season includes new faces (Orale Chamo), big plans (year-round market)

8636736645_ac1a0916e1_bWe’re telling you a little bit early about the April 21st start of the Broadway Farmers Market season because this might be the last time you ever have to wait.

“There is a great deal of interest in having the market go year round,” said Chris Curtis, director of the Neighborhood Farmers Market Alliance, the non-profit that runs seven markets across the city.

There are also other efforts making the push. In addition to a small “rogue” farmers market that popped up from time to time this winter on the Hill, another group is discussing plans for a “European style street market” near Cal Anderson Park. We’ll have more on that effort, soon.Broadway Farmer's Market Opening Day

For now, Broadway’s market is slated to come to an end in December just before Christmas. “We have been asking the farmers if they want and can do year round,” Curtis says of the plans for Broadway. “The majority said they can and would like to be there.”

The “there” when the market opens the Sunday after next will again be the Seattle Central Community College campus along Broadway at Pine. 40 vendors will be there on opening day — Curtis expects that to grow to 50 by summer. We’ll tell you about some of the new faces and offerings, below.8637842374_8bd5c9a7a8_b

2013 will be the market’s third season in its temporary home as it awaits completion of the Sound Transit light rail project up the street.

By 2016, the market should be tucked into a new home on a transformed Nagle Place behindthe (by then) newly completed Capitol Hill Station — even as the development around the station seems more and more likely to be delayed.

Transportation construction was an important factor in the 2012 season for the market. Work to install the First Hill streetcar tracks made for some logistical headaches for vendors and any shopper hoping to park nearby. Despite the challenges, Curtis says the market’s numbers were strong for the year with both estimates on shoppers and dollars spent rising 10%.

She also said initiatives to spread usage of the Broadway market to a wider diversity of income levels paid off. “Broadway had good response for food stamps use,” Curtis said. $35,000 in local produce and goods were purchased using the stamps. The special WIC program for farmers markets generated another $7,000 in sales. Additionally, the market donated nearly 10,000 pounds of fresh produce to nonprofits and programs for seniors.

Then-candidate Inslee visited the market in 2012 (Image: CHS)

Then-candidate Inslee visited the market in 2012 (Image: CHS)

In all, there were about 1,800 market shoppers on Broadway each Sunday of the 2012 season.

“It was a really good year,” Curtis said. “This is really healthy.”

2012 also saw the graduation from the market of two of the more popular vendors as both fresh-squeezer Juicebox and Malaysian street food stand Kedai Makan have moved up to the “big leagues” with their fixed-place efforts and will not be part of the Sunday market. We showed you Kedai Makan’s new E Olive Way walk-up here and told you about Juicebox’s bottled efforts and plans for a cafe here.

2013’s food and drink prospect might just be Venezuelan food stand Orale Chamo. Ready to cook up “authentic Venezuelan food,” the stand will feature “Pollo Tinga, Carne Mechada, Mushroom Mole , Alambre Nopalero.”

“Broadway’s going to see some new stuff,” Curtis said. “And some familiar faces.” She also said the legislation to approve beer and wine tasting at farmers markets appears on track to passing through Olympia this session — just in time for summer.

Here’s more on the 2013 season and some of the new vendors you’ll find every Sunday at the Broadway Farmers Market:Screen shot 2013-04-10 at 6.58.11 AM

Broadway Farmers Market Opens Sunday, April 21
Celebrate Earth Day at the Farmers Market

Opening day our farmers’ tables will be piled high: spring greens, beautiful bouquets, edible plant starts, asparagus, sheep, cow, and goat cheese, fresh eggs, wild-caught salmon, pastured meats, Rachel’s Ginger Beer, baked goods, delicious prepared foods, and much more.

The Broadway Farmers Market will open Sunday, April 21.  The Broadway FarmersMarket helps launch favorite Capitol Hill businesses including Kedai Makan and Juice Box in just the past year, and you’ll find new favorites in our line up this year!

New Vendors This Year Include:

  • Cascade Pies – Berry, Apple, Sweet Potato, Salted Caramel, Pecan, Vegan options
  • d:floured- a Seattle gluten free bakery –  cookies, tarts, bars and artisan loaves of bread
  • Early Bird Eggs – brown and blue eggs from Snoqualmie Valley
  • Klickitat Canyon Winery – Syrah, Chardonnay, Lemberger, Merlot, Pinot Gris
  • Oh Yeah Farms with ginger, hops, steel cut oats, quinoa and more
  • Orale Chamo – Authentic Venezuelan food;  Pollo Tinga, Carne Mechada, Mushroom Mole , Alambre Nopalero
  • Six Strawberries –  fruit flavored ice-pops, fruit sorbets, and creamsicles made with coconut milk
  • Sno-Valley Mushrooms – cultivated mushrooms; shitake, oyster, lion’s mane
  • Steel Wheel Farm– with herbs, row crops and melons
  • Sweet and Savory – hand crafted tarts, biscuits, scones, crackers – inspired by seasonal farmers market ingredients
  • Youngquist Farm- berries from the Skagit Valley

Broadway Farmers Market is every Sunday, 11 am – 3 pm, starting April 21, at the corner of Broadway Ave E & E Pine.   We accept SNAP, as well as WIC and Senior FarmersMarket Nutrition Coupons.
Like us on Facebook!
The Broadway Farmers Market is operated by the Neighborhood Farmers Markets, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and strengthening Washington’s small family farms.  More information at


UPDATE: Food vendor Honest Biscuits wanted us to know they’ll be back at the market this year, too:

We will be back at the Broadway Farmers Market this year. While we do not have any celebrities to kick things off, we do have some exciting new biscuits.

First off, we have some amazing (if I may say so) Gluten Free Biscuits. We bake them on a different day from the rest, so we sell them frozen in 4-packs. RIght now we just have the classic Butterhole (plain buttermilk) and Pike Place (filled with chunks of Beecher’s Cheese).

For a limited time, we are selling the SEA Biscuit, filled with Loki Fish Keta Salmon jerky, Mt Townsend Creamery’s Fromage Blanc, and a bit of capers and onions.

HB also tells us they’ll be able to heat the biscuits this season. Yay.

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Gordon Werner
11 years ago

Having the Capitol Hill Farmers Market be present year-round will be awesome!

11 years ago

I would love to see a year-round market on Capitol Hill. I like the Ballard market and go out there several times during the winter, but it takes a couple hours to bus there, go to the market, and bus back, so I can’t make it part of every weekend.

11 years ago

Great news! RGB loves NFMA and our neighborhood. All our future success is owed to Capitol Hill’s investment in the farmers market system.

11 years ago
Reply to  jseattle

no worries, we definitely feel the love!

Fiona jackson
Fiona jackson
11 years ago
Reply to  RLM

So glad Rachel’s will be there. My growler is clean, empty and waiting to be filled!

11 years ago

Yay! More eggs. I always seem to get there when the last eggs have been sold, so that will be nice. Steel Wheel Farm sounds neat as well. Will Juice Box and Kedai Makan be back this year now that they have bigger business to run? The article doesn’t seem to clarify that. And the prospect of all year would be perfect.

Broadway Farmers Market
Broadway Farmers Market
11 years ago

Some how I <3 my GFF was left off the list of new vendors. They will be bringing the gluten free to the masses! We are so excited to see everyone again and really appreciate everyone's help getting the message out. It's going to be a great year.


[…] The Broadway Farmers Market returns this weekend – could Orale Chamo be the next Kedai […]


[…] The market opens! The market opens!  New to the Broadway Farmers Market this year: vendors of gluten-free baked goods, blue eggs, Venezuelan eats, locally grown mushrooms (not that kind), and more. 11a – 3p. […]


[…] Sunday, the Broadway Farmers Market opens its 2013 season and has big plans for expansion including transitioning to a year-round schedule and eventually being part of an open plaza being […]


[…] on Saturday: The Capitol Hill Farmers Market opens! Check out new vendors and stock up on veggies. Spring is here people and your all-kale diet is […]

11 years ago

As a Venezuelan who lived, grew up and worshiped our authentic cuisine in Caracas until I was 30, I’m LIVID to see people being lied by and tricked by a vendor selling Mexican food claiming is “authentic Venezuelan.” We don’t even use the word “órale” in our country. Tingas, mole and nopales ARE not part of our gastronomy and have never been. Why are the owners of this place doing this? Deceiving and infuriating.

11 years ago

Hi, I just read this article and cringed too. I’m so sorry about the confusion! I am part of Orale Chamo, we are a crew of 3 people – 1 venezolana and 2 mexicanas. Orale Chamo is a mix – taking Venezuelan style arepas and offering them with traditional Mexican food, or a fusion of both. Sorry about this confusion, we start up on May 19th, please come by. We’d love for you to try and get your feedback.


[…] goes year round. No more January – March hiatus. Hooray! CHS talked with organizers about the push to go year round on Broadway at the start of the 2013 season. Every week the market offers a fresh alternative to grocery […]